Wednesday, December 02, 2009

and just cos I can ...

we will go for three in a row.

3 days of spectacular blooms from my garden ... and my gardener ... well that would be DH.

My gardening efforts amount to nothing more than a pair of scissors, a walk around the garden, cutting the blooms and putting them in a vase ... well I'm nothing but honest.

Thanks babe ... you are a wonderful gardener and I appreciate your efforts in the garden.
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Trace said...

Lucky you to have such a gardener - could he teach my DH?? LOL.

Hannah said...

Awesome work, Mr Frizz!! And great work with the scissors and camera, Mrs Frizz! It is great that you appreciate his efforts and put things on display, you are definitely not taking it forgranted.
I've enjoyed seeing pics from your lovely garden.
Oh, and if Mr Frizz runs out of garden to look after down there, he is welcome to come and tackle mine!!

Rochelle said...

Simply stunning! I LOVE Peony roses :)

How about another one ...

 Hi there and welcome back. Yep, I'm on a roll. I realised that I hadn't shared this layout - another one ... White, green and orang...