Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I'm back ...

did you even miss me ... go on ... please tell me you did ... it would make me feel good - ROFLMAO ...

I've been AWOL for just a little while. It was this time last week that I got home from work and found my cell phone - yep, left it at home - I. think. for. the. first. time. ever!!! and wouldn't you know it - someone who is near and dear to me had been leaving me messages - she didn't know that I didn't have my cell phone with me - I'm talking an extension of my arm here, that's what my cell phone is and I didn't know that she was trying to get hold of me ... grrrhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Anyway, enough of that ... needless to say I jumped on a plane on Thursday morning and flew to where I needed to be. Well that's after I had to catch a later plane, cos the one I was supposed to catch wasn't going anywhere fast as a result of engineering issues - another grrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

But that's okay too - I got to where I needed to be in the end.

I won't go into detail here on my blog, but let's just say it was a load off my mind - well the big load is now gone - just a little load remains.

To my little sis, please look after yourself and do. as. you. are. told!!!

I'm your big sister and I can be growly - standing here with my hands on my hips - so there!!!

Anyway, whilst up in Christchurch, a very special lady made me feel so very welcome at her place, I mean hello, you get a phone call a little late on a week night and next thing you know you are talking to me, that was probably a big enough shock in itself - lol - so a big thank you Vicki - you know I mean you!!!! You all made me feel very welcome and you and Andrew have three awesome teenagers and you can be so very proud of all of them - truly!!! and Vicki's other baby ... you know the one ... the. one. and. only. Brodie ... OMG - well he's a whole nother story --- just kidding ... he's delightful - truly!!!

So Thursday saw me at the hospital and then staying the night at Vicki's.

On Friday I went tiki touring with Vicki - well we started off just around the road with the first pick up of the day - hi-de-hi Heidi - lol and then Vicki took me out in the wop wops ... she sure did ... I'm talking serious wop wops here ... I visited the Swannanoa Retreat - yep siree, I even met the infamous Danny - OMG, you want to see him - too cute - a right little terror, but too cute all the same.

After the grand tour the girls took me tiki touring some more - they even have a scrap shop in the middle of the wop wops - had a quick wee visit there as well and then we went to lunch - wowser, what a ripper of a wee place it is at Pukeko [spelling - definitely doesn't look right - lol] Junction, although I tried telling Miss Meg that I was at Petticoat Junction for lunch - where on earth I got that from, I have absolutely no idea - but it sounded good.

Good food, good friends and good conversation and more than a few laughs ... Trace is not going to forget the fridge in a hurry ... my lips are sealed - not telling - sssshhhhhhh!!!

And then we were off again ... heading back to Trace's and you've got to remember that we were still in the middle of nowhere, in the wop wops ... lol.

Come Saturday morning and after a night at my sister's, a friend of hers picked us up and we went tiki touring South this time instead of North and I went and visited Adrienne at Scrappin Patch - although I was a little bit naughty to start off with.

I said to my sister, don't let on who I am and I will introduce myself when I'm good and ready and that's exactly what I did.

So I got this friendly hello when I walked in ... but I figured that's Adrienne, a friendly person saying hello and she knew Tracy, so I mumbled a quiet hello and kept on looking at scrappy stuff, cos that's what you do when you are in a scrappy shop - lol!!! Duh !!!

She thought she recognised me, but cos I didn't say anything she wasn't sure ... lol ...

So Adrienne, it was wonderful meeting you, I enjoyed fossicking around your goodies in real life and I now know where it is that my pizza box sits [on hold] waiting for all the new goodies to arrive ... lol ...

I jokingly said that I was going to whip into Annelie's pizza box and have a nosey, but ... I didn't my Swedish friend - honest ... I was tempted though ...

And then on Saturday night I flew home ... so it was a flying visit, but a very tiring visit; crammed a lot into that visit too just quietly.

and now moving along to something totally different - here's my show and tell - the Catwalk this week with the girls at Scrapbook Outlet I left to the last minute ... I've been known to do that before now, so that's nothing unusual ... but tonight I got home from work and thought to myself I will change and head into my scrap room and that's exactly what I did.

A little Prima, well a whole lot of Prima really, a few pearls, a little lace, a fence [I hand made the fence last night], a hand made crocheted flower [see Vicki - lol], some feathers, a little inking, some Websters Pages and there you have it ... talk about whipping it up ...

Who needs to eat ...

and I scrapped 'me' ... go me!!!

Right then, if you've got this far, good on ya ... hope I haven't bored you silly ...

I've gotta go and feed me - my tummy is rumbling big time.

Before I go though ... please remember to tell those people that you love, that you love them ... one day it might be too late.

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Hannah said...

I missed you! So welcome back. I hope things are okay with your sister, you are a lovely person to "drop everything" and fly up there to be with her. Sounds like you fitted in plenty of stuff while you were there - good on you! Wonderful that the ChCh girls were so hospitable, but it doesn't surprise me at all as they are all so lovely, aren't they?
Oh, and I just LOVE that layout too.

Annelie Maddock said...

Oy! Keep your fingers out of my box Mrs!!! Grrr... ;)

So glad your sis is doing better. And yes, the scrappy friends we have are truly something out of the ordinary.

AND - WOWZER on the page! You blow my mind with your playfulness and how you place your embellies. You are such a inspiration!

But seriously - keep your fingers away from my stuff!!!


Vicki said...

LOL at Annelie - thats telling you!
Glad things worked out OK in the end and we should have taken you via Blue Skies to see if we could tempt you to the camp. Yes, I can spot the crocheted flower!!! LOL and Brody does love you - truly!

Jenny said...

Sound slike a good trip though and glad you had fun scrappy shopping. And as I said at SBO, your l/o is just beautiful

Trace said...

I don't know what you mean about the fridge (and wish I had that little whistling smilie here lol!) It was great to catch up with you and seriously talk to Hannah re Auckland...

Kelly said...

ooooooh - Trace that comment sounds interesting!!! LOL

Glad you had a great visit even if it started out as a mercy dash. Great that that you got to tiki-tour - I think I would quite like to see the inside of either yours OR Annelie's boxes!!! It's like you have a pipeline there!! LOL But then see what the pretties in your boxes let you do - stunning, stunning, stunning.

Beverley said...

Well, Mrs F ... I think this has got to be my most favouritist layout ever! It's just so perfect in every way ... loving your wee fence and all the other details ... just awesome ... and you were a cute wee thing back in '69!

topkatnz said...

Wow! what a great page! You surely rocked that crochet flower look!heehee! seriously great to meet up with you last week, and hoping that you do manage another trip up this way soon.

How about another one ...

 Hi there and welcome back. Yep, I'm on a roll. I realised that I hadn't shared this layout - another one ... White, green and orang...