doesn't even come close really ...
Life has been full on for quite some time now [more than usual] and for the most part it has been enjoyable. There have been days that I really have been tearing my hair out. There's been swearing, laughter [sometimes hysterically], a few tears, but I'm hanging in there.
So if you have been wondering a little why it is that I have been a little quiet, I guess I've been spreading myself a little thin at times.
Mom, Dad, yep, I'm still here ... emails have been few and far between ... sorry!!!
There is light at the end of the tunnel, I know that ... next week in fact. We have a new marketing executive starting at work next week and come Monday ... oops ... it's not this Monday at all, got my days mixed up ... it's still a week away ... anyway, our new marketing exec will start on the 17th ... and I can 110% say that it is going to be a good day ... cos I can hand over all the marketing stuff ... I've been filling in temporarily for the last few months while we went through the recruitment process etc and doing my own role as well ... some days, I'm sure, doing neither of them very well ... but it's all good.
So it's all been go, go, go!!!!! [and some].
The last wee while I have been involved with the Tour of Southland ... we were a joint team sponsor and what a ride it has been ... it's totally amazing what goes on behind the scenes in an event like this - truly! A real eye opener. And I have only seen some of it.
I guess most people tend to think these guys get on a bike and ride ... well in a nutshell yes they do ... BUT!!!
I take my hat off to the guys out on their bikes this week ... we have had sun, we have had rain, we have had hail, we have had sleet, we have had snow ... and with all of that ... we have had wind. These athletes have been competing under extremely trying conditions, and believe you me ... you and I would not have been out there on a bike ... I was moaning and whinging walking to the bank - a block away from work ... the weather was abyssmal. Downright shocking.
I will leave you with these logos ...

Why, cos these logos were worn by the overall winner of the Tour of Southland for 2008 ...
One of our riders won the tour - Hayden Roulston [to some, he is known as Roly] ... now believe you me ... he had a wonderful team of riders with him and alongside him, and an absolutely brilliant support crew as well and our team overall were runners-up in the tour this
For those of you who aren't familiar with the Tour of Southland, there is an overall individual title [which Hayden won this year] as well as a teams title, King of the Mountains, Sprint Ace amongst others [you are learning here, I know] ... check out for more details ... great reading and great pics as well.
A big congratulations to Hayden, Sam, Paul, Michael and Shane - you guys rock ... I take my hat off to all of you and to your support team ... what an awesome group of people.
May you all enjoy a nice relaxing day tomorrow. You totally deserve it.
So on that note ...
P.S. Mom, Dad, Terry, remember us driving over the Crown Range road coming back from Wanaka heading to Queenstown ... well these guys ride up to the top of the Crown Range road ... I was in a car driving and didn't like it ... these guys are on bikes ... and their legs are doing all the work!!! Wow!!!!