I was in the bath tub on Friday night still trying to shake my migraine/headache ...
feeling a little bit dull around the edges and I was thinking scrapbooking - funny that ...
being creative was never going to actually happen on Friday night as such, but I was still thinking about it ... lol.
So come Saturday I decided to have a wee play and a wee play I had ...
so a few minutes here and there on Saturday and Sunday and last night and this is what I came up with this layout
... now trust me on this one ... this looks way better in real life ...
the colours are much sharper and the photos aren't blurred in any way, shape or form ...
and this layout is SO NOT going in my album.
I am going to splash out and buy a frame to put this one on the wall in my scrap room ...
I love the colours ... I'm a BG girl at heart, throw in a little Prima, a little MM journalling pad and the leaves ...
and I'm a happy camper. I painted my butterfly blue and then used Glimmermist on top of it ...
the stitching comes in the form of rub-ons.
This one is going into the gallery with the girls at Sketchbook for Layle's celebrity challenge, get those scissors working and cut out patterned paper ... so I cut out some leaves, more leaves and still wasn't done, so I needed a few more - ROFLMAO.
The scissors also did the distressing thing on my BG papers.
Love the colours of these BG papers. So there you have it ... it might not be everyone's cup of tea and I must admit, it does look a little busy ... but I love this one ...
I've been more than a little creative and I've got ideas rolling around in my head, [edited to read ... not bed - OMG ... where did that come from - ROFLMAO]
well actually they are fair flying to be honest ...
I will be putting together another layout, something similar but in a different BG paper scheme ....
I actually played around with each one as a 6x6 layout with the intention of making it a 12 x 12
- if that makes sense.
So on that note ... will leave you with it.
feeling a little bit dull around the edges and I was thinking scrapbooking - funny that ...
being creative was never going to actually happen on Friday night as such, but I was still thinking about it ... lol.
So come Saturday I decided to have a wee play and a wee play I had ...
so a few minutes here and there on Saturday and Sunday and last night and this is what I came up with this layout
... now trust me on this one ... this looks way better in real life ...
the colours are much sharper and the photos aren't blurred in any way, shape or form ...
and this layout is SO NOT going in my album.
I am going to splash out and buy a frame to put this one on the wall in my scrap room ...
I love the colours ... I'm a BG girl at heart, throw in a little Prima, a little MM journalling pad and the leaves ...
and I'm a happy camper. I painted my butterfly blue and then used Glimmermist on top of it ...
the stitching comes in the form of rub-ons.
This one is going into the gallery with the girls at Sketchbook for Layle's celebrity challenge, get those scissors working and cut out patterned paper ... so I cut out some leaves, more leaves and still wasn't done, so I needed a few more - ROFLMAO.
The scissors also did the distressing thing on my BG papers.
Love the colours of these BG papers. So there you have it ... it might not be everyone's cup of tea and I must admit, it does look a little busy ... but I love this one ...
I've been more than a little creative and I've got ideas rolling around in my head, [edited to read ... not bed - OMG ... where did that come from - ROFLMAO]
well actually they are fair flying to be honest ...
I will be putting together another layout, something similar but in a different BG paper scheme ....
I actually played around with each one as a 6x6 layout with the intention of making it a 12 x 12
- if that makes sense.
So on that note ... will leave you with it.
And if you haven't already popped into my wee angelic friend's blog to catch up on her news today, I suggest you do ... woo hoo go Angel!!! Then ... oopsy nearly, nope, I'm not going to tell you ... go and have a looksy!!!
OMG I looooooooooove that LO!!! It totally rocks!!! Well done you!
yes you should DEFINITELY frame that one.... it is a stunner!!!! well done..... maybe I need a bath to re-spark my mojo...... love love it all
That sure is a stunner. What does Mr Frizz say about the ideas that are rolling about in your bed??!
Whoo hoo I was wondering what you had been working on and wow!! BeautifulllllllI agree a frame for this one and such a stunner. Thanks for the encouragement.
Stunning LO - GO YOU! Sounds like your scrapping MOJO is back ...Wahoo!
Well, I've already raved like a lunatic about this in my email and in the gallery when I uploaded it ... so I think you know how AWESOME I think this is!!!!
I say submit it somewhere, and THEN frame it! ;-)
It is sooo gorgeous, that is a definite show piece not for the album!
I'm with Hannah ... submit it somewhere, then frame it!
Isn't it great when you enjoy thinking about it, enjoy creating it and then enjoy looking at it when it's finished. :o)
loving all those beautiful colours, to beautiful for words. hope you have taken Hannah's advice and submited it somewhere before you framed it. its most certainly worth framing. BEAUTIFUL!
Wow absolutely gorgeous
Definitely frameable. That is just gorgeous. I think you have had your orders about submitting it somewhere! LOL
STUNNING JUST STUNNING!!!! TOTALLY FRAME IT< BEAUTIFUL!!! and the minds does boggle at all that rolling around in bed - hmmmm maybe that will help me be creative again hee hee
LOL the letters to type in here are redrum - anyone familiar with Stephen king hee hee - sorry my deranged sense of humor
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