I doubt many of you will be ...
This pic says it all really - a bloody mess!!!!
and wait for it ... it's only a small part of that mess - ROFLMAO
So I haven't been creative ... can't find my desk ... it's underneath all that creative chaos [somewhere]...
I'm about to head in there and start packing ... wish me luck.
Um ... good luck!!!!!! :-)
Good luck ... and may the force be with you! (Heck you gonna need some kind of help atleast) I have an idea though - you could just put all that stuff in a box and send it all up to me - would save you unpacking that way! Helpful aye.
LOL Beverley! Are you sure there is a desk under there??? What else have you got buried LOL!!?? I hope you've got some sort of caffiene to help you through this Michelle!!
Yes that is only part of it....I have seen it....LOL!!
Michelle how are you going to pack it all away and move it all? Good luck my friend.
sorry but I laughed!! You know that kind of nervous laughter cos I am sure that you would have been kept busy sorting and packing that up. Does your new house have a bigger scrap space? Thanks for the messages during the week.
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