Thursday, February 21, 2008

Are you old enough ...

to remember Oroton wallets ...

This particular Oroton wallet has served me well ... very well in fact ... somewhere between 20 and 25 years of service and I'm thinking that's a long time! When I purchased this particular Oroton wallet, it wasn't long afterwards that I also came home with an Oroton cheque book holder/wallet ... still got that ... ROFLMAO and I don't plan on getting rid of that any time soon either, just quietly.

But it is time to part with the wallet and that's exactly what I have done, the poor thing was falling apart at the seams. It just had to go ... but as you do, you replace it with something else ... lol and that's all I will say on the subject, except to say, it had to have a matching handbag as well ... ROFLMAO.

On that note ... gotta go, packing calls, after I've had a quick looksy here and there over my coffee.



Trace said...

Hee hee hee, not only do I remember Oroton, but I too, still have my white Oroton handbag, wallet, and wait for it...matching key holder thing (like a little wallet that folds up for your keys). Oh, it was just the coolest to own it back then...

Anonymous said...

I am not old enough to have OWNED one of them, but I certainly remember seeing them around.

And of course you need to get a new handbag to match your wallet!! Nothing wrong with that! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm old enough to have had one - but I never did.... I had a velcro one fo r years and years - and finally got a leather one.

They were ever so "Klaaa-ssy" :lol:

Beverley said...

OK judging by the age of the others replying I obviously am old enough... but sadly do not have any memories of oroton! As for a new wallet - well of course you had to get the matching handbag! Oh and have you noticed how long a cup of coffee can last when you are surfing the net at the same time?

Anonymous said...

Ummm sorry the wallet is almost (but not quite) as old as me LOL but I too feel that is it a neccesity to have a matching wallet and handbag ! It is the small things that matter in life LOL

PS Mrs Frizz you might want to check out my blog just quietly :)

Anonymous said...

OK so if Mummymoo is almost as old as your wallet then that makes me feel OLD! I too am old enough to have owned Oroton...I had the white wallet and key purse!

Vicki said...

ROFL - Well I feel REALLY old now. I had a white one but it wasn't big enough!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm I dont know what an Oroton bag is.... I could now smile smugly and feel truely like a spring chick! Or I could admit that I have not always lived in NZ and might well qualify for the oroton age group;p

Mrs Frizz said...

Trace ... laughed out loud ... I had a handbag and the key holder as well ... crikey ...

Thought I was the cats pyjamas as well ... they cost a heck of a lot of money way back then as well ... now the only surviving 'piece' is my cheque book wallet ...

Anonymous said...

OMG, sure do. In fact, someone gave me the exact same purse along with matching key holder (is that what you call it?) for my 21st birthday in nineteen eighty...can't say, he he!

How about another one ...

 Hi there and welcome back. Yep, I'm on a roll. I realised that I hadn't shared this layout - another one ... White, green and orang...