Just in case you didn't realise ... January is now shot ... it's February - OMG ... last month went.
School's back in our household next week and that would be MONDAY!!! woo hoo ... only thing is ...between now and then I have to organise my son's school bags and school books - didn't happen during the week. So looks like I am going to be on a mission this weekend. Don't you just love that job - covering books and labelling everything ... oh well, it only needs done once a year. Just a shame I've left it till this weekend, cos now it HAS to happen!!! ROFLMAO ... and it will!!!
But in amongst covering school books, I plan on doing a whole lot of scrapping. I've got all these ideas rattling around in my head at the moment for some reason and I'm not one for putting anything like that down on paper for some reason - it just doesn't happen ... so what a shame, I'm just going to have to scrap away to give the poor old head a little rest - lol. Mr Mojo is sitting on my shoulder and sorry girls, he's hanging around for quite some time ... not sharing, I'm being selfish - sitting here poking my tongue out.
Now talking about scrapping ... listen to this ... oops, silly me ... that would be read this ... bossy aren't I??? Don't answer that ...
it goes like this ...
I would like to *accept the layout titled ""*#@!*&$#@"" for publication in our May 08issue of Up2Scrap.
How cool is that ... now I can't share anything with you ... sorry ... nope not even a sneak peek ... don't you just hate that ... lol.
Cos you know the rules, when you submit a layout to Up2Scrap it's not allowed to have been on your blog or uploaded on any website ... and in this case, it hasn't ... so I'm just going to have to wait until May to see what it looks like 'in print' ... can't wait ...
So there you have it ... just thought that I would share that with you - cos I can.
Right then ... I know that my blog posts have been few and far between lately - but life just gets in the way and that's all there is to it ... a few years ago Dad kindly offered me an extra hour in the day - but I'm thinking I even need a little more than that.
So on that note ... I better make the most of the hours that I do have left in today. Have a good weekend everyone and if you are travelling anywhere, safe travels my friends.