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Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dress. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Dresses on Vacation...

Our California Vacation...
I made these dresses from Sandi Henderson's clair pattern. I have also added this link toShabby Nest, because what can be more frugal than homemade dresses? Here we are in California. I wanted to take the girls to the beach with the dresses for a little photo shoot. That didn't really happen. But I do LOVE the first photo here. I will definitely be putting that up.
Sophie being adorable in the Ocean. She LOVED it!

She loves posing for the camera. She doesn't need to do much to be adorable!

The plan was not to use the dresses as swimwear, but what do you do? I had this vision in my head of these gorgeous photos by the beach, but the girls were drenched in minutes. I got a different kind of photo shoot, and I adore the photos we got. What do you expect with four little crazy children?

Hope you all like how the dresses turned out. Just looking at the photos makes me want to sew!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A new Dress for Sophie!

Okay, do you love her face better or the dress???? This is the same Sandi Henderson Claire pattern used here. The pattern was so easy and cute and fun, I decided to make a dress for Sophie out of the leftover fabric from a quilt I recently finished (you will see this soon...). This line was probably my favorite of last year. It is called House by Annette Tatum for Freespirit. So pretty and vintage. Blues and browns, and pinks and browns...LOVE IT!

I just added a little pinafore to this by serging it into the waistband. I cute a simple rectangle, did a rolled hem around the edges, and sewed on two strips of ric rac. Was not any harder, but much cuter, I think I will add one to any more of these dresses I make.

The fabrics in this line are so soft and sweet. Vintage florals, ticking stripes, sweetest colors LOVE!

Just a little close of of the top. The elastic thread is magical, the shirring is SO simple, check out Sandi Hendersons blog for an easy how-to.

A good supply of binky's is what makes this little girl happy. What could be better? I wonder how long it will take her to completely destroy this dress....hmmm, don't underestimate this little pip squeaks power!
I will be linking this to A Soft Place to Land

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cute Dresses I made!

I have been in such a creative mood lately! (I believe my nesting comes in the form of creating or finishing projects...Oh well, if that what happens, it is just natural right? I should be cleaning and going through closets, but my body says craft..craft...craft....) For those of you who don't know, I am pregnant with my fifth and final, and we are having a boy! (we have 4 daughters!)... Anyhow, this is what I got done, and I LOVE them!

Nadine from Material girls was offering this Free Spirit Darla line for 33% off, and I went and bought tons! I have been wanting some, but when she had the sale, I had to go get lots and lots! Hopefully you will see alot of crafts from this fabric...

This is the Claire Peasant Dress from Sandi Henderson. LOVE IT! I was SO scared of the shirring, but it is SUPER easy and worked way better than I thought. If you are scared of it, don't be. Sandi has a great tutorial on her website

But how much cuter is it with this silly girl in it???

She makes EVERYTHING cuter!

So what cute clothing projects have YOU made, or do you aspire to make?

PS Scroll down to our giveaway which is still going on...