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Showing posts with label craft room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft room. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Plexi glass frame project...

I made this without my hubby. Go check out shanty 2 chic for more made without hubby projects.This isn't much of a how to, because unless you are good with tools, it isn't the easiest. All it is is a large piece of MDF, and the edges are routed. Then you paint the wood and sand it for the distressed effect. Next is a piece of Plexiglas (purchased at home depot) and this is cut down a little smaller than your wood. Make a cute collage of your photos, and then put the Plexiglas on top, and secure it to the wood with little screws, with little caps, so you can easily remove the Plexiglas to change out photos. Then just a cute vinyl lettering saying at the bottom. It was a fun and pretty easy project. It is in my craft room. which I still plan to reveal, but it is never clean enough for photos, but when it is, you guys should love it. Hopefully as much as me!

Monday, February 2, 2009

A little Sneak peak!

Okay, we apoligize for being crappy blogging girls! We know nobody will ever come here if we post once a month. So from here on out you will get at least one post a week. PROMISE! Anyhow, I just wanted to show a quick sneak peak of my craft room (I tried to call it my studio, but just couldn't do it!). This chandelier I stole from my sis in laws wedding, sprayed it black and added crystals. Cute? The shelves in the background involve a fabulous husband, but I will get to those when I get them loaded up and organized cute. I painted the walls a taupey pink, some might call that color mauve, but I refuse to use that word unless it is 1998! So we will go with taupey pink. They turned out fab, but it did involve 3 retints at home depot because I was so afraid of having a "pink" room right off the kitchen. And yes, the most fabulous part of all is that this room is right off the kitchen! Is that not every girls dream??? I had to wait several years for this, but it is finally a reality, and it is about a month from being able to show everyone the whole room! So hope this is good enough for now.