Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Dodger Dogs
Of course, the best part is trying all of the astonishingly yummy regional snacks. (And in my case, trying to smuggle in sparkling wine in a can.) In my heart, and on my sleeve I am a Dodgers fan (and a Mets fan, and a Red Sox and Cubs fan. It’s all about spreading the love) but I am also a food lover and therefore willing to admit Candlestick Park, (or whatever its called lately, 3-com or Monster) has the best food of all. (Big food loser? Arlington Stadium. Sorry!) Those garlic fries – sublimely crispy golden fried potato perfection drowned in ¼ cup chopped of garlic that has been swimming in warm oil all day, then topped with salt and parsley --- all I can say is Mmmmmm. They also offer turkey legs and the SUSHI.
The reigning king of ballpark foodstuffs though is the Dodger Dog, brought to you by the good people of Farmer John. (who offer recipes on their site. Eek?) It’s 12 inches long and 76 grams of hotdoggin’ goodness in a steamed white bun. Lets be honest here kids, the Dodger Dog IS nature’s perfect processed food and right around the fourth inning it becomes the only thing on this green earth worth eating. Nostalgia may be a huge factor in how great it tastes, but I cannot imagine a game without one. Well, one or two. And a pretzel with mustard. ($3.50) And some peanuts. ($5.00) And a few beers ($7.00 for Michelob, $8.00 for Gordon Biersch, in a cup or a plastic bottle) and a huge lemonade. Oh and how do all those things taste? Like overpriced, undersalted processed foods that take you back to a simpler time. Ahhh. That’s the life. Welcome to summer.
According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, Los Angeles is second only to New York in the number of pounds of hot dogs purchased on an annual basis — 44.7 million.
Dodger Stadium is the reigning ballpark leader in hot dogs consumed, with 2.2 million sold in a season. Among Major League teams, the Cleveland Indians are a distant second place, with 1.5 million hot dogs sold each season at Jacobs Field.
Dodger Dogs are not kosher, (they are, in fact 100% pork) but there is a group trying to bring a kosher hot dog alternative to Dodger Stadium. To get involved, contact the Lou Barak Memorial Hot Dog Committee at kosherdogs@hotmail.com
Random shilling: I am selling a Vera Wang dress and darling Gila's wedding gown on ebay. Check them out!
Labels: Something Else
If you are ever in Texas you should check out the - they have a Texadelphia IN the stadium, and a HUGE kids play area - you can see both right there behind the outfield.
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