Showing posts with label porch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label porch. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Porch


It seems like forever since I have posted. Well, to be exact it was Mother's Day. The past few weeks have been so...busy here. With school events, sports events and  trying to get things wrapped up as the end of the school year quickly approaches ( June 5th) I have been totally consumed. I have to admit that I will be so happy when school is more homework (Yeah), no more making the same lunches and we can throw away the over used lunch boxes and backpacks:)) If you have kids in school or did, you know what I am talking about.  But, the absolute BEST PART.....we can sleep in:))) 
So, one thing I have always wanted in a house is a real front porch. Well, I love our home, but our  porch is nothing to speak of. It is certainly not big ( I would love to have one 10 times the size)..Dreaming, but it isn't ultra small. I have always thought about putting a chair on it, but hesitated because I thought it would take up too much space. Well, I tried it out. Here's what I ended up with:

The chair used to be in my daughter's room, but when she did her big redo she took it out. The stool was found at a garage sale.Love it and it is perfect to prop my feet on.
I think the chair fits perfectly. And it is sort of tucked away so I can see all the comings and goings on my street, but no one really sees me:)) 
And of course, I couldn't resist having some flowers from the garden in the picture too.
I always love to have something on my front door. I found this hanging basket and spruced it up with some "Springy" flowers. I think it looks nice with the chair and I like these flowers because although they are fake, I think they look pretty nice. In my opinion fake flowers can go Very wrong. Do you know what I mean??

But , in true blogger fashion, the porch didn't stay exactly this way for too long... Here are some of the changes and a full view of the porch.
I added a couple more pillows..of course I did, I can NEVER just have one.
I changed the front door arrangement. I used another basket that I had. The other one was a dark brown and blended too much into the door. At least that's how I felt. I think this one has a better feel with the whole porch.
Here's a full view. I think he chair makes the porch look much more inviting.
I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Weekend relaxing with family and friends


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