~Hydrangeas & Candlelight~

We are traveling a year back in time here as you can see the burlap chairs and birdcage are back in their original position…but I wanted to share this simple yet elegant garden décor theme that just sort of happened one day as I was conditioning an armful of white hydrangeas for my parent’s anniversary […]

~Garden Room~

I have been busy doing some rearranging in our main garden room… bringing the bird cage and two of the burlap slip-covered chairs… over from the other side of the room… walk with me across the gravel courtyard past the terra cotta pots brimming with white iceberg roses and you will see there has been […]

~Christmas in July~

My parents downsized for the second time a year or so ago and have been fine tuning their furnishings every since…and I am thrilled that my mom has such great taste because I have been the fortunate recipient of a gorgeous pair of bergére chairs… it feels like Christmas in July… and even though these […]

~Spring Bedfellows~

Spring… seems the perfect time to reconsider that place where we live roughly one third of our lives… I don’t know why, but I am most at home in a French styled bed… It may be because my first “big girl” bed at the age of three was French… and except for a dorm room […]

~Dreamy Paris Bedroom~

Waking up in Paris…there’s an unspoken magic to it… especially when the morning light streaming through your bedroom window… mimics the sunset you witnessed the evening before. This is the window in Haleigh’s dreamy bedroom…when she saw that she could peel off a portion of the living room and create her new bedroom complete with […]

~More Paris Apartment~

Now that we have taken the tour of the charming little Paris kitchen, I thought you might like to get a look at the main living space in this Paris Apartment… one of the best things about this apartment is all of its windows and with the remodel light from three different directions spills into […]

~Haunted Weekend~

I am thrilled that you dropped by for the weekend… Oh…don’t worry about the hauntingly dark and moody atmosphere… you are sure to have a wonderful stay. Most of my guests return again and again…and some never leave. I hope you like white roses…and gargoyles. In case you have a difficult time falling asleep, I […]

~San Ysidro Ranch~

All we have to do is hop in the Bentley… take a quick little ride… and we are at the Ranch in no time. Breathtaking…isn’t it. The allure begins with location… Montecito ~ California and then arbored passages draw you in… to be delighted by meadow like gardens… and sprawling lawns. Vegetable gardens are laid […]

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