Showing posts with label tiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tiles. Show all posts

Monday, April 28, 2008

Some tiles from my dusty folders

Painted Tiles

Yes, I haven't posted in a while. Life is getting in the way LOL! I am organizing and attempting to get some stuff together. In the meantime, here are some tiles I painted that have been collecting dust on my computer. I painted most of them as a form of "stress relief and escapism" so I don't profess that they are works of art LOL! There are 59 tiles in there so far and I will add more when I find them - my hard drive is a MESS! Please click on the Painted Tiles link above to go to my webshots to download them.

As usual, if you use them, I'd love to see what you have made ;)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hello All!

I wish everyone the best this holiday season!!! I have been quiet, I know. I took a bit of a hiatus, but I did get family cards made and did a painting of a beautiful golden retriever who passed away recently. I will show it once I have the files ready. I have not had time to play and draw but I hope to get revved up in the new year. I will be back to posting soon ;)

Here is a little tea bag folding tile I did a few weeks back. It is a flower, not exactly seasonal for Canada LOL. I am already tired of snowflakes and snow-tires and snow brushes and snow shovels. I am sure there are others in agreement with me ROFL.... unless, maybe, you are on the other side of the equator LOL.

Big Hugs to you ALL :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Poinsettia Foldy Flower

I thought I'd put pen to tablet and make something to share before the month goes by LOL! I left these tiles big to suit whatever you might need them for. :) These were fast and simple, ... and untested ;)

My computer is acting up ( like intermittently not turning on), I am going to see if my brother can fix it... I think it is the power supply (hoping anyway LOL) but I also fear he might blow it up, so if you don't "see me" for awhile you know what happened LOL.

I have not been able to keep up commenting on the posted cards and emails, I tend to get stressed/anxious this time of year. But please know, I have loved them all.

I may go offline for a few weeks ( only essential email and to fix blog subscriptions) to focus on designing and unfinished commisions.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Foldy Flower Instructions Part 2


Make 8 1.5" Tiles and 8 2" Tiles. Fold as per instructions in PT 1 using 8 Tile Basic Flower for each size tile. Put the smaller medallion on top of larger medallion. How simple is that ?! And looks so pretty. Thank you to Carolivy of CoC for the use of this card and the clever gal made the sheets too and has let me share them with you. Just print them out and "go to it" ;)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Thank You Circle of Crafters!

Have you seen my counter lately???! LOL! It is nearly up to 4700! Woweee! I have feedburner set on this account and it is telling me where most of my hits are coming from! Thank you Circle of Crafters Board! I just joined and it is a lovely site with many card techniques to suit anyone's tastes. What a talented group... and big group! I'll be posting a few more cards from some very talented individuals soon. Stay tuned.

Circle of Crafters

Here are some thank you tiles and a Blue Dancing Daisy.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Card by Joanne Gelnar

Joanne saves the day! I needed something to post today LOL! Joanne never fails to impress me with her cards. Just beautiful!!! Here is the posting with the tile she used:

Flower Thingies

Now see, I wrote this at the time:

"Flowery I don't know what thingies. I'm not sure if they would make good tiles or not but I just like looking at them LOL." April 3, 2007

LOL! They look pretty good with this fold.... Sunshine Square :) Thanks, Joanne!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

More Doodled Tiles

These are a little wild LOL! Not the style I am trying to go for but they are quite dramatic - usually I have no idea what is going to come out of my pen.... always a surprise! The tiles made from the original have an asian or celtic feel I think.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Doodled Tiles

A tile I painted last night. Then I played and made some TB tiles. If I get some play time today, I want to make some soft coordinating background papers. Speaking of backgrounds, I found these on a group; TWO very handy internet tools for us papercrafters ;)

Stripe Generator

Tartan Maker

OK some TB Tiles: please click images to enlarge :)

Friday, August 03, 2007

Doodle-dallion and Digital Blog Candy

Here is a low-rez pink version plus a tea-bag tile for your enjoyment :) I would like to get my visitor count over 5000 LOL. So I would like to make you an offer. Help spread the love... mention my blog on a group or to a friend :) If you do, please leave me a comment on this message, why you love papercrafting and possibly a colour combo request to colour this doodle ( I frequent the Stampin Up Color Combo thingy if that is a help ;) ) Now, originally, I had this set to collecting your email to send you a supahsekret link to an album of hi-rez images of this doodle-dallion in many hues plus some other goodies LOL, but then I thought... that sounds like alot of work. SO I WILL WORK IT THIS WAY.... ONCE I GET 5000 HITS, *** I WILL POST A DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ALL LOL!!!


Friday, June 01, 2007

A Card by Joanne of TFT2

Here is a lovely card from Joanne Gelnar from a tea bag folding group I am a member of. She used my Weird Flower tile and the Sunshine Square Fold, a delightful, talented, generous Penny Wessenauer ( TFT2 moderator) made instructions for. Please check Penny's site out, that is where you can find the fold under Teabag Folds and Tips. This folds works so well with this tile, thanks Joanne!

If anyone has made a card or anything with any of my creations, I'd LOVE to see it :) Just send me a scan to ( just change the AT to @) and I'd love to post it here and/or at my webshots.

Flower tiles

Here are some doodled flower tiles I made a while ago. The center flower is available as a rubberstamp. As soon as I get more info, I'll post more info on the Butterfly Medallion Sheet available at Stamp Attack Art Stamps. :))))) I am excitedly waiting for the stamps to arrive, I'll post examples and a preview of the sheet soon. Now I just need to find time to play! ... the predicament of the papercrafts addict WAHM :(

Monday, April 30, 2007

Flower Medallion

I think I finished a design today. I've been struggling with ink design of this one for a few weeks. I am going to give it a go at layering this on a card this week.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Lace Tile

Here is a tile I made. The image was originally a strange flower I made out of comma strokes. Feel free to colourize, use as a pattern, mask, etc.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Weird Flower Tiles


Strange Pen Happenings

I just thought this doodle needed a place to live. LOL! I don't know what it is, is it a flower, a wrought iron decoration? I'll just call it "Strange Pen Happenings".

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Flower Thingies

Note to self: Please post more regularly... a whole month skipped LOL!

Flowery I don't know what thingies. I'm not sure if they would make good tiles or not but I just like looking at them LOL.