Hello lovely people!
Long time no post! I have added new things to the
This is my last hurrah to SUMMER. As I am posting, this is the LAST DAY of SUMMER in good old Canada. Hmmmm is it the start of summer or spring on the other side of my world? If it is, you lucky peeps, flowery summery images for you yey! LOL
Sadly we could be expecting frost VERY SOON and snow sometimes in OCTOBER here, what!?
So to forge forward we need to say good bye to summer with a COUPON CODE :)
Please use
BYESUMMER to get 25% off your order! ( EXPIRES OCT 4th )
email orders, add the code to the text of your email order request.
Online orders - there will be a place to apply the code when you
if you decide to add more stuff to your cart after you apply the
discount code, please delete the code and reapply it to reflect accurate
discount when checking out.
umm before I begin... I must confess these projects got a bit out of hand. LOL I started to play with Diamond Rose from way back as a corner element. So I pulled it apart and converted it to a Simple Rose Spray. Boy did I have fun with it. I figured out a trick to WHITE emboss black printer ink! More about THAT in an upcoming post. I got playing and was coming up with all sorts of cardfront configurations. Because it is a bit more tricky to configure and angle digital stamps on cardfronts, I did it for you. :) I made sentiments while I was at it. I was going to leave it there and put it in the store but NO. I had to digitally paint it and make multiple pre-coloured versions which ballooned into multiple cardfront versions.... you get the picture! oh boy. It's a big wallop of files LOL. Have fun!
Pre-Coloured Set:
DIGI uncoloured SET:

Sample Card using Digi/Outline printed on laser printer coloured with watercolour and coloured pencils.
Again... same thing happened... yada yada ...
Pre-Coloured Set:
DIGI (uncoloured) SET:
And last one....
Pre-Coloured Set:
DIGI uncoloured:
Remember.... BYESUMMER for 25% OFF :) Have a good day!
:)* Fred