Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sleep Straighteners Beware!

So, I got a new hair straightener (which works fabulously by the way) and I was reading the "Important Safety Instructions" - you know the typical "Do not use while bathing or in the shower," when I noticed this one, which had me laughing out loud.

- Never use while sleeping.

What? How can you even do that? Do some people literally fall asleep standing up while they're grooming themselves in front of the mirror each morning? And if you are a sleep walker, it's not like you can control what you do. You wouldn't think "Gee since I'm sleepwalking, I might as well plug in the hair straightener and make myself pretty." Would you? I can only imagine what dummy plugged the thing in beside their bed and tried to straighten their hair in bed while they fell asleep, then tried to sue the company so they had to include "Never use while sleeping" on their warning page. Honestly, some people...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gee, what in the world shall I post about today?

I could post about the race last weekend that Preston and Dad medaled in, but I couldn't do because I couldn't breathe, but that's not a very pleasant memory. I could post about my job or my calling, but there's nothing new with either of those. I could post about the book I'm currently reading, which I am also thoroughly enjoying, but I'm not done yet and I want to finish it before writing about it. I could post about BYU football, but a lot of people are already doing that. I could post about my birthday...okay, I'll post about my birthday. I had a lovely day. Mom made me (and Preston and Dad) an amazing Sunday meal and a birthday cake with orange flavored frosting. Here is a picture of me blowing out the candles.
Here's another picture of me. You'd think after twenty-six years, I would have figured out how to keep my eyes open for pictures.

I know it's more blessed to give than to receive, so it's probably more blessed to talk about giving than it is to talk about receiving, but I haven't really given much lately and I have received a lot, so I'm going to briefly talk about that. I got some cool gifts, including an awesome scrapbooking organizer/tote thing, Close to My Heart scrapbooking supplies (those are way better than the ones I ever buy because I'm cheap), additions to my Little House on the Prairie series, several awesome gift cards, flowers from my bosses (random insertion - my boss calls me "E" and I laugh every time he does because I think it's funny), flowers from Preston (awwww, sweet) and several very nice e-mails. Thank you to everyone who remembered. And thank you to everyone who didn't for reading about it anyway.

Next time, I'll try to write about something other than myself for a change. Ta-ta until then.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Heart Coupons

Well, since nobody gave me anything to post about, I will post about one of my favorite topics - Coupons. I love coupons and I use them frequently to score amazing bargains. This week has been particularly good for coupons. I like it when I save more than I spend. Like, at one store, I spent $8.97 and saved $9.28! Oooh, and Wednesdays are double coupon days at our local Pick 'n Save, so today I managed to get a roll of paper towels for a total of 29 cents. See, it was $2.29 to start with and I had a $1.oo off coupon, which they doubled to make $2.00 off. So the paper towels ending up costing me just 29 cents! And they weren't cheap ones either. They were the good kind that's thick and you can choose your own size. And they had a Box Top for Education. Am I rambling? I will put up a picture so people actually look at this post rather than just seeing that it's me going on about how cheap I am again, and finding something more interesting to read.

This is one of the earliest known photographs of Preston and me. We were going hiking in the Uintas and we stopped in Evanston for fun (or maybe it was for directions), and then we saw this gazebo, so, naturally, we had to go in and sing "You Are Sixteen Going on Seventeen." It was actually more like 22 going on 23, but whatever.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I had a heated discussion at work today about possessives. The way I was taught, you make any singular noun possessive by adding 's even if it ends in an s or x or z. The only exception is Jesus or Moses.

Example: Mr. Harris's class
the Senechaux's key
Jan Karpowitz's feelings
Moses' friends

I was typing a document with a name like Karpowitz and my co-worker tried to tell me I needed to take off the 's' and have it just say Jan Karpowitz' feelings. I said no way and got on the Internet to prove her wrong. Turns out there is conflicting information. Some people say you can say Jan Karpowitz' feelings. I say they're wrong. So I left it on anyway. What do YOU think?

The end.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy September

Since it is officially my birthday month, I thought I'd take the liberty of publishing my Birthday/Christmas list. Not that I'm expecting many of you to actually take heed of my birthday - in fact, I would feel bad if many of you did, but there may be some 4 or 5 readers out there who are wondering what to get their little/big sister/sister-in-law/wife/daughter for her birthday and I figured the rest of you wouldn't mind reading about just what it is I want for my birthday/Christmas.

1. The Taste of Home Cookbook (cheaper at Sam's Club).
2. The Taste of Home Baking Book.
3. Additions to my Little House on the Prairie Series. I currently have numbers 1-4: Little House in the Big Woods (the Big Woods, by the way, are the Northwoods of Wisconsin), Little House on the Prairie, Farmer Boy and On the Banks of Plum Creek.
4. A new flat iron (hair straightener).
5. An aerobic step so I can maximize my Jillian Michaels workouts.
6. A Pilates DVD.
7. Sarasa pens (conveniently sold individually in the BYU bookstore).
8. Moccasin slippers, like the ones at Payless.
9. A really amazing grammar and punctuation book (This is so I can prove all my co-workers wrong when they use comma splices and incorrect possessives). But it has to be really amazing.
10. A Bundt pan.

I may make additions to the list as I think of more items, so check back often!