Showing posts with label ScrapStreet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ScrapStreet. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2011

You Really Must Check Out Scrapstreet

Well HELLO!! Just thought I would share a couple of projects that were made exclusively for Magazine recently. I am not sure if you have seen this months edition, but I do have a sweet Imaginisce Card in the Card Corner article. You can have a look HERE. Love, love this card. And as a matter of fact, there was knock-down drag out between my 3 girls over who was going to get it!!

The projects below are actually from the March Edition where we used some Zva goodies...take a look!

Beautiful Card

Happy Together


Go take a look at will love it!! Have a great Thursday!!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Playing Catch Up and a Call for Layouts!!!

Hiya ladies! I think I have a "Catch Up" post every month! Well, like everyone, the holidays bring on a "To do" list a mile long for me! Right now on my list I have about 5 parties this week to prepare for, shopping for the big day, scrappy work, house work...shew! And like that is not enough, I have bigger fish to fry...Vivi informed me this morning that she just has to know Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer by "Fursday" or she will not be the best singer at the Christmas program. She says that she will let Santa down if she is not the best!! And Brock says that he needs to go shopping to buy me a BIG diamond ring because we are going on a date Friday. These are some serious things that need to be on my "To do" list, right? And Brock's request just moved to top priority...I love kids!

Anyhoo, how about some scrappy sharing? Here are my first set of layouts for my returning spot with My Little Bit of Whimsy...

Bottoms Up!

Heavens to Betsy that booty...I could just pinch it! And I did not even mean to take this when that happens! On this layout I used an assortment of MLBOW textured cloud buttons. They are super fun!

Sunday Funday

It has been awhile since I have used a bit of Sassafras, and it was just what I needed for Steph's textured buttons and ladybug stick pin!

And I must share my Creative Scrappers layout using sketch #134...

The Joy U Bring

And last, but certainly not least...

I need your layouts using doilies for the February edition of Magazine!! If you think you have one that fits this call, email me at!

Hope you are having a super soon!!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm Hitting the Streets!!

That's right, cuz I'm cool like that! Just kidding...

I made the Magazine Team!!!

I am so stinkin' excited!! It is going to be something different, exciting, and those girls over there are just plain FUN!! And my favorite part...I get to chat a ton every month. They really appreciate a Chatty Kathy over there. Just perfect for me, right? Here is a look at the rest of the girls who are joining the team...

Robyn Schaub
Christa Paustenbaugh
Sarah Mullanix
Liz Qualman
Romy Veul

Wooohoooo ladies!! And thanks so much ScrapStreet! You can check out the full reveal HERE at the ScrapStreet blog. See ya soon!!
