Okay - it's that time again - Vote Now! This is just one of the photos that I have submitted to
JPG Magazine (I have yet to submit to the other catagories... but, will before the deadline of March 31st). If you feel inclined take a minute and vote on my photo and any other photo you think would best be published for their 22nd issue. I am very excited see that JPG didn't disappear. The site was on the rocks at the start of 2009 - and some FANTASTIC person came forward to support and revive this spectacular site. Hurray for this great patron of the photographic arts!
Here are the links to the 1st photo I have submitted for voting - (there will only be three):
Zen: http://www.jpgmag.com/photos/669325Thanks all - hope you find my images inspiring - I am so grateful for your support, and will post when I have "House" and "Fairy Tale" ready for voting:)
- Pink