Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts

Friday, October 23, 2015

Fall and the Garage to Rec Room makeover

Definitely fall is in the air.

Cool breeze, shorter days and chilly mornings/evenings.

I honestly have only decorated a few things around the house...
I am mainly a Christmas decorator. 
I also have been working on our garage project. 
But Summer has ended and I am not done.
I knew I wouldn't.

But we made progress. 

The old (exposed) insulation was taken down, and I am pretty sure we will leave the

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Almond Harvest (and a recipe)

One thing about going home (to Italy) 
late Summer/early Fall,
is that you get the best of both seasons.
Late Summer means almond harvest...
early Fall means figs...fresh figs...lots of them.
Among the majority of olive trees, 
our very own Olive Garden, 

we happen to have a dozen of almond trees 
and close to two dozens of fig trees.

fresh figs and local cheese

One day we spent harvesting the almonds.

All done by hand,

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pumpkin fries

Now that Fall is behind us...
or at least Fall decor...
what do you do with all those pumpkins laying around?

Most people don't think these big orange ones are good to eat...I will show you differently.
A few ideas,
cut in large cubes and freeze to use for later in soups.
(think of a wintery Minestrone soup)
Another favorite thing we do is 
pumpkin fries.
At least that's what I call them.
I grew up eating is a favorite family recipe.
The steps are simple, yet this makes a great vegetable side dish.
Fist of all