I've had pretty good luck recently with thrifting. I have an iron picture/plate holder - thingie. What are those called? Just last week I was wishing I had more. Voila! I found two on my next consignment store excursion.
I used the tallest one to hold the picture I framed recently. This is the photo I won from
Little Red House. It looked wonderful in a frame propped in place, but now it looks even better.

I used the shorter one (which is pretty tall) to hold my framed January quote. My photo, unfortunately, is not clear enough to read the quote.
“Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”
~ William Arthur Ward

The tall iron what-cha-call-it next to the quote is also a recent thrift store find. I intended to use it as a door stop - it's unbelievably heavy. I set it on the counter after I brought it home and just fell in love with how it looked there. It serves no purpose other than to make me happy. It's door-stopping duty will just have to wait.
Another fabulous find is this denim slipcover. It's made by LLBean. I got it at Goodwill for around $4. When I held it up, I knew it was a slipcover for a chair, but had no idea what size. That didn't really matter. We have a number of chairs that need slipcovers. If it didn't fit any of them, I could alter it to fit one. It ended up on the chair in the guestroom which is upholstered in the ugliest 80's style fabric imaginable. The chair has paint on it and claw marks all around the bottom. The chair itself is a family heirloom and is in line for reupholstering as soon as we win the lottery. Meanwhile, it has a perfectly acceptable slipcover to wear. One of these days, it will get a pillow upgrade.