My exercise routine has not been "routine" for some time. I have renewed my exercise vows and am exercising with an enthusiasm I have never had before. I mean it! Really!
As part of my ROUTINE, I am walking every morning. I am loving it. My most convenient walk is right outside my door. Luckily it's quite scenic.

Once I walk up the driveway, this is what I see at the gate.

Here's the view down my street.

This is at the end of our road, just as it meets the paved road.

Next I head down the paved road.
Most all of the property beyond is part of a big, scenic farm.

They keep the farm looking picture perfect year round.
At this point in my walk, the batteries on my camera gave out. One of these days I'll take my camera on my walk again. The barns and farm scenes further down the road are really pretty.
Still, these pictures should clearly show that I should have been walking every day since I moved here. It sure is a wonderful way to start my day.