1. What is on your nightstand…list everything! - A lamp, picture of my daughter, an art glass bowl, a Candle Lite glass lamp, my favorite fused glass tealight holder, and a tag from an accent rug.
2. If we were visiting, and starving and you weren’t home…what could we find in your pantry / fridge to use to whip up a meal? - We have enough pasta noodles here for a bomb shelter! My husband does the grocery shopping and if its on sale he’s buying a case. We always have a case or two of canned veggies. The frig usually has milk and juice, fresh vegetables, fruit, eggs. Freezer is full of meat and other frozen foods and treats. I’m lucky that he also does all the cooking. Think I made about 2 dinners last year not counting when I was home alone fending for myself.
3. Favorite color and how does this show up in your bead work? - Purple, Blue, Teal, pretty much in that order. In glass you don’t have as many options for purple as you do for blue or yellow. I notice when writing descriptions so many end up with blue, green, purple as the colors used for the bead. They go very well together and I hope most people like the jewel tones as much as I do.
4. Making beads is solitary work. How do you handle that??? If you listen to music / watch videos, please share some of your playlist. - I like solitary. The stereo I have in the shop doesn’t get the best reception so I usually have the tv on just for the noise. I’ll watch NCIS, the Sopranos, Grey’s Anatomy, ER, or the classic movies on TMC.
5. Describe the most fun day you’ve ever had. - It’s hard to choose just one day. As far as glass related I did a trip years ago where I met up with online glass friends from all over the US and we toured several glass factories, studios, galleries, and the Fallingwaters house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It was a long weekend not just a day.
6. If you had one wish, what would it be??? - It’s complicated. I’m very concerned for the state of the world we live in today, not for us but for my children and grandchildren. I would love to be able to keep the good things we have in this day and age but to be able to turn the clock back on the bad things like corporate greed which I believe has caused most of the current economic issues we have today. On a lighter note if I can’t have that I’d choose a hot shop/studio with gallery space.
7. Who do you most admire in glass and if you could take a class with that person, what would you most want to learn? - Love John Kobuki’s marbles! His flowers are amazing, I’m relatively new to working with boro and there is so much to learn, I would take John’s class if I could.
8. What is the first thing you do when you get home? - Usually change from my jeans into my sweats or jammie pants depending on the weather. I hate to shop (unless it’s a hardware store) so my wardrobe is pretty sad. Then I get on the computer.
9. Do you have a day job??? If yes, what is your favorite thing about it??? - We own a Bar & Grill where I work part time. It gets me out of the house to socialize and keep up with people we‘ve known for years and meet new ones. Get my exercise there too especially if I cover for one of the gals on nights when you really have to hustle. It’s fun to be around the younger crowd on Karaoke night, way different than my day shift. My husband and I are able to get away often which is really nice in the summer.
10. Name three tv shows you watch but are kind of embarrassed about. - Nip/Tuck, Judge Judy, Steve Wilkos
And, once again here are Karen's links. Stay tuned for our conclusion of this interview next week.
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