First, I want to say that there are many reasons some of us encase a bead, it can add depth and magnify colors and patterns among other things. Some of us like encasing, some of us don't lol, but I think we all believe its a good skill to have. Also, you can encase in transparent colors also, not just clear, for some really interesting effects! Here are some insights from the fire diva's themselves.
Susan Lambert When learning to encase, it seems very difficult and takes a lot of time and practice to master. Heat control is key in this situation. If you keep the bead and it's decoration cool eno
Amy Lange Sims I think it depends on what type of bead you are encasing. If you are trying to encase a floral or other type of surface pattern, it's easy to smear, so like Sonja said, you have to choose the right encasing technique. So if you want to be able to encase many different types of beads, you need to learn many different encasement methods. I find some easier than others!
LLuvia Brito With boro it is very tricky, it is also the most time consuming part of a bead. Getting a nice even layer of clear is pretty simple, its just getting
Lori Bergmann I agree with everyone that there is a fine dance between having the bead cool enough to avoid smearing, while applying the encasing smoothly and quickly to av
Feng Bea
Patrice Shepherd Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to encasing, go too q
Holly Dare I use four types of casing and each has their issues and benefits. My favorite is str
Michelle Veizaga Encasing a bead deals a lot with heat control so you do not distort the underlying e
Lara Lutrick As for the casing.... Casing can be difficult as you need to keep the bead cool enough so the
Sonja McClung I happen to love to encase, I find it challenging but really like the different effects that can be achieved and the depth that it gives to beads. It does take some practice, and is
certainly a good exercise in heat control!