Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą tutorial. Pokaż wszystkie posty
Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą tutorial. Pokaż wszystkie posty

sobota, 1 grudnia 2018

Winter blessings page tutorial

Hi and hello

How are you?
Do you have the time to paste something a bit? 
My free time is decreasing, always, when year is about to end ..
 The days start running too fast,
so I try to prepare everything much sooner ..
Today I have a tutorial for you, as I do my pages ..
This pages:

The first step is obviously to find the space, 
the blank pages where we want to create

Cut out the Gecko Galz digi stamp that we like, and that we want to use..

Glued some paper piece ..

Glued Gecko Galz digital stamps..

Add more embellishments..more and more...and write what we want..

I hope this tutorial was useful, see you soon

wtorek, 13 listopada 2018

Merry Christmas card with photo tutorial

Ciao crafty friends

Christmas is approaching, almost almost knocks on the door ..
I'm in the production of postcards ...
This year, I'll send it all in time, yeyeyeyey :)
I have a tutorial for you, I hope it will be useful..

I used:

How did I create my tag?

As you already know, I always try to recycle what I can ..

this time I used a box of medicine ..
I cut to size desired..

I attached the background of used stickers..

A piece of box glued to the other side.....

Now all I brushed with white gesso

Some other piece of green scrap I found around ...
 and lace attached with the stapler

It's time to attack die cuts..and pon-pon lace

..Some other details to embellish,
and attack everything on a card basis

The end 😍🤣


artistic inspirations 25.11
christmas with the cuties  18.11
crafting from the heart  18.11
crafty cardmakers 24.11
the cutie pie challenge 1.12
avenue 613 30.11

poniedziałek, 30 kwietnia 2018

Sweet journal embellishments :)

Hello my friends :)

A while ago I prepared a super fast tutorial to make cute embellishments for our diaries, notebooks, junk journal.... nnd today I'll show you, ...
First I cut the pieces with the Big Shot..
Of course they can be cut quietly even with the scissors

Assemble everything at our leisure

And behold, the results obtained using the Scrapandme cardstock

Thank you for attention :)

Quick junk journal tutorial

Hi crafty peeps

Today I have for you a quick tutorial on how make a mini junk journal...
and you can find 
on Scrap and me blog...

I used:

Thank you for attention and have a great day :)

poniedziałek, 5 lutego 2018

Little Birdie junk journal tutorial

Hello crafty peeps :)

You have seen, that I often create the junk planner pages.. 
Today I'll show you  how I made my new junk journal.. :)
I used fabulous supplies from Little Birdie , thank you Harish again :)

So, we started with finish journal:

Look at this amazing sweeties: 

And here, the first steps to create a cover like mine:
I covered my journal with Scrap and Me cardstock

 If you want, you can finish your cover here, but I have decided to put some colour..
and here we have :


Thank you for your attention, and have a great day :)

piątek, 31 października 2014

Winston mini album and tutorial

Hello my friends :)
Today I will show you a tutorial on how to do this mini album.
Mini is inspiration for Polkadoodles challenge here.
Feel free to partecipation :)

Like this tutorial I did already some time ago /clic) but this is the version improved :)
So: we need roll toilet paper, Winston collection and good will :)
Here we go:

Witam kochani :)
Dzis pokaze Wam jak zrobic mini albumik :)
Album jest inspiracja na wyzwanie Polkadoodles tutaj
zapraszam do wspolnej zabawy:)

podobny tutorial zrobilam juz jakis czas temu, (klik) ale to jest wersja ulepszona.
Wiec potrzebujemy rolki po papierze toaletowym, kolekcje Winston i dobre checi.

1step: the bending rolls.
1 krok- zginamy rolki

2. cut the paper
2. tniemy papier

 On one side we attach the tape for engineer. 
Na jeden bok naklejamy tasme dla geometrow

 oklejamy papierem

add the cover
dokleic okladke

Here you can see how tape connect page
tutaj widac jak tasma fajnie laczy strony

We do cover, we will decorate our page and mini is done :)
Robimy okladke, dekorujemy strony i nasz mini jest gotowy :)

I insert in the packet of rolls tag but you can use them for pics, love letter or how to tell you imagination.... :)
Have a nice day all :)

Ja wlozylam w kieszonki tag, ale mozna je uzyc na zdjecia, list milosny czy jak podpowie wam wyobraznia
Milego dnia :)

środa, 16 kwietnia 2014

Tutorial bookmark for Crafting Creativa

On Sunday, the blog Show Time came out my little tutorial on fast, romance tab to the book .... Who is curious how was founded bookmark this here, I invite you here ^ ^

W niedziele na blogu Show Time wyszedl moj maly tutorial na szybka, romantyczna zakladke do ksiazki.... Kto ciekawy jak powstala ta oto zakladka, zapraszam tutaj ^^

poniedziałek, 17 marca 2014

Mixed media card :X

I greet you warmly :)
Lots going on lately on my blog, and that's because I like to change and move :) Today I encourage you to visit your blog Showtime, where you will find my tutorial on how to do these cards :)

Witam was serdecznie :)
Wiele sie dzieje ostatnio u mnie na blogu, a to dlatego, ze lubie zmiany i ruch :) Dzis zachece was do odwiedzenia bloga Showtime, gdzie znajdziecie moj tutorial, jak zrobic te kartke :)

Kartke zglaszam na wyzwania
i Scrappo Inspiracje