Dink Sound Reference
by Sparrowhawk.

This file is intended as a reference of all the sounds included with the original game, for use by D-Mod developers who need to find a particular sound or to know the speed of a sound so that they can use it correctly.
I've listed all the sounds with their speeds, sound numbers (as assigned in Skeleton B), and a short description of each.

After the main list comes a copy of part of start.c from Skeleton B, with the sound speeds included as comments.  Copy and paste this into your D-Mod so you can use it as a quick
reference while you're scripting - it's helpful when using playsound() to know the correct speed!

I made this because it was getting annoying looking up the correct speed each time I used a sound, even though most of them are 22050 Hz.  Then I expanded it and am now releasing it to everyone, in the hope that it will be useful :)

Please let me know if there are any mistakes or bits missing - just make a post at the Dink Network or PM me.
Much thanks to Nvu for helping me with my l33t HTML skillz.

22050 Hz
Sound number 41.
The noise made when an arrow hits something.

11025 Hz
Sound number 31.
A bonca roaring.

22050 Hz
Sound number 48.
The throwing axe hitting something.

22050 Hz
Sound number 37.
Smashing a barrel or box.

22050 Hz
Sound number 49.
A birdy, tweeting.

22050 Hz
Sound number 44.
Releasing the bow (shooting an arrow).

8000 Hz
Sound number 6.
An explosion, used for bombs and Fireball or Hellfire hitting something.

11025 Hz
Sound number 25 & 32.
Creepy echoing sound for entering caves.  This is loaded into two sound slots for some reason, so one of them should be spare.

22050 Hz
Sound number 46.
A weird noise that dragons make.  Coughing up a squelchy hairball, perhaps?

22050 Hz
Sound number 47.
A dragon roaring.

22050 Hz
Sound number 18.
Used when escape is pressed, the inventory screen comes up, or for general bumps and things in the original game.  It's the same sound as sel3.wav (number 21).

22050 Hz
Sound number 23.
A burning fire, crackles an' flames an' stuff.

22050 Hz
Sound number 42.
Something whizzing past your head?  Used in the original game for NPCs casting spells and such.

22050 Hz
Sound number 14.
The sweet, sweet, sound of gold coins clinking together.

22050 Hz
Sound number 15.
Dink getting hurt.

22050 Hz
Sound number 16.
Dink getting hurt, slightly different grunt to grunt1.

22050 Hz
Sound number 22.
Choral noise when gaining a stat point.

11025 Hz
Sound number 29.
A bonca in pain.

22050 Hz
Sound number 30.
The twitter of a pillbug.

12500 Hz
Sound number 45.
Knocking on a door.  Something Dink has yet to learn is the polite thing to do.

22050 Hz
Sound number 33.
Dingdingdingding noise when gaining a level.

22050 Hz
Sound number 19.
The noise made when in mouse mode and you click on nothing... to see what I mean click on the title screen but not on a button.

8000 Hz
Sound number 7.
A creaky door opening - the default warp sound.

22050 Hz
Sound number 13.
Rustly noise.  Used for spreading pig feed.

8000 Hz
Sound number 2.
Deep satisfied pig grunt.

8000 Hz
Sound number 3.
Pig grunt with a kind of flourish.

8000 Hz
Sound number 4.
Short pig grunt.

Sound number 5.
Surprised pig grunt?

22050 Hz
Sound number 9.
The default hit sound, for example punching something with the fists or getting beaten up by a monster.

22050 Hz
Sound number 1.
A quack.  You know, that funny noise that ducks make.

22050 Hz
Sound number 34.
The hum of the save machine.

22050 Hz
Sound number 43.
The tinkly noise when a secret area opens, for example.

22050 Hz
Sound number 17.
The noise when choosing an option in a choice menu, or exiting the inventory.

22050 Hz
Sound number 20.
The sound when the mouse goes over a button on the title screen.

22050 Hz
Sound number 21.
The sound when the mouse comes off a button on the title screen.  This is the same sound as escape.wav (number 18).

22050 Hz
Sound number 11.
Used when scrolling through the options in a choice menu or the inventory.

22050 Hz
Sound number 26.
A nasty snarl.  Not used in the original game, at least not with playsound().

22050 Hz
Sound number 27.
A short snarl of a goblin or slayer.

22050 Hz
Sound number 28.
A more drawn-out goblin or slayer snarl.

22050 Hz
Sound number 24.
Magicky 'whoosh' sound, eg, Martridge disappearing in a flash of fire.

22050 Hz
Sound number 35.
A splash, in water or something.

22050 Hz
Sound number 38.
The noise a slime makes when hit.

22050 Hz
Sound number 39.
Walking up or down stairs.

22050 Hz
Sound number 40.
Footsteps, on grass or gravel.

8000 Hz
Sound number 8.
Swiping in the air (hitting, but not making contact  with anything).

22050 Hz
Sound number 36.
Metallic clang of sword hitting something.

8000 Hz
Sound number 10.
Hitting something with a sword.  This sound played fast (22050 Hz) is the 'pick up heart' sound.

Sounds included but not loaded in start.c:

22050 Hz
Jungle type bird.

22050 Hz
Putting something down on a wooden surface, or a footstep.

22050 Hz
An odd squeak.

44100 Hz
One second of silence.  Pointless, but peaceful.

22050 Hz
Waves breaking.

22050 Hz
Another odd squeak.

22050 Hz
A woman screaming.  This sound is used in the original game as sound 12, but is not loaded in Skeleton B for some reason.

Copy the following and paste into start.c, replacing what's already there of course.

load_sound("QUACK.WAV", 1);
// 22050

load_sound("PIG1.WAV", 2);
// 8000

load_sound("PIG2.WAV", 3);
// 8000

load_sound("PIG3.WAV", 4);
// 8000

load_sound("PIG4.WAV", 5);
// 8000

load_sound("BURN.WAV", 6);
// 8000

load_sound("OPEN.WAV", 7);
// 8000

load_sound("SWING.WAV", 8);
// 8000

load_sound("PUNCH.WAV", 9);
// 22050

load_sound("SWORD2.WAV", 10);
// 8000

load_sound("SELECT.WAV", 11);
// 22050

load_sound("ENTER.WAV", 12);
// This one doesn't exist!  Free to load your own sound here instead, or wscream.wav like the original game.

load_sound("PICKER.WAV", 13);
// 22050

load_sound("GOLD.WAV", 14);
// 22050

load_sound("GRUNT1.WAV", 15);
// 22050

load_sound("GRUNT2.WAV", 16);
// 22050

load_sound("SEL1.WAV", 17);
// 22050

load_sound("ESCAPE.WAV", 18);
// 22050

load_sound("NONO.WAV", 19);
// 22050

load_sound("SEL2.WAV", 20);
// 22050

load_sound("SEL3.WAV", 21);
// 22050

load_sound("HIGH2.WAV", 22);
// 22050

load_sound("FIRE.WAV", 23);
// 22050

load_sound("SPELL1.WAV", 24);
// 22050

load_sound("CAVEENT.WAV", 25);
// 11025

load_sound("SNARL1.WAV", 26);
// 22050

load_sound("SNARL2.WAV", 27);
// 22050

load_sound("SNARL3.WAV", 28);
// 22050

load_sound("HURT1.WAV", 29);
// 11025

load_sound("HURT2.WAV", 30);
// 22050

load_sound("ATTACK1.WAV", 31);
// 11025

load_sound("CAVEENT.WAV", 32);
// 11025  --  Not sure why this is loaded twice (see 25).
// I suppose this is another free slot :-/

load_sound("LEVEL.WAV", 33);
// 22050

load_sound("SAVE.WAV", 34);
// 22050

load_sound("SPLASH.WAV", 35);
// 22050

load_sound("SWORD1.WAV", 36);
// 22050

load_sound("BHIT.WAV", 37);
// 22050

load_sound("SQUISH.WAV", 38);
// 22050

load_sound("STAIRS.WAV", 39);
// 22050

load_sound("STEPS.WAV", 40);
// 22050

load_sound("ARROW.WAV", 41);
// 22050

load_sound("FLYBY.WAV", 42);
// 22050

load_sound("SECRET.WAV", 43);
// 22050

load_sound("BOW1.WAV", 44);
// 22050

load_sound("KNOCK.WAV", 45);
// 12500

load_sound("DRAG1.WAV", 46);
// 22050

load_sound("DRAG2.WAV", 47);
// 22050

load_sound("AXE.WAV", 48);
// 22050

load_sound("BIRD1.WAV", 49);
// 22050