Posts tonen met het label rayon. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label rayon. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 19 oktober 2023

day 19

I'm really flabbergasted when I realize
how many hours it takes me to stitch and finish
such small items as my Textile Jewels !
Not only the stitching,
but looking
for just the right coloured thread or beads
. . . . .
(you're lucky you are not paying me by the hour)

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 19 :

a felt triangular box, stitched with silk, cotton and rayon
on a homemade hanging cord
with a little bead charm
(5cm,   2")

For a donation
of at least

 € 15,- 


this cute little box
(which can hold some secrets)
can be yours, to keep, or give away to a dear person.
Just send me an email at 
and the rest will be arranged.
Bank or Paypal
is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL the donated money goes to Pink Ribbon !



I hope to see you tomorrow
there will be a new  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
waiting for you !

maandag 16 oktober 2023

day 16

Leaves are starting to fall
not quickly but one by one.
The leaf was the only one of my felted bases dry enough to stitch on !
My leaf matches nicely with the ones already fallen
although there are still not those strong autumn colours.

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 16 :

a wet felted maple leaf, stitched with linen
and (slippery, but beautifully variegated) rayon
and many seed beads
(6 cm,  2.4")

For a donation
of at least

€ 15,-


this brightly coloured autumn leaf can be yours
a lovely sign of the season on your sweater, dress or coat.
(though it would make a splendid gift for someone dear too !)
Just send me an email at
and we'll arrange the rest.
Ban or Paypal
is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL your money goes to Pink Ribbon !


Please visit here tomorrow :
there will be a new PINK  RIBBOBN  Textile Jewel
for you

zaterdag 3 oktober 2020

day 3

More rain today.
And though all the leaves on the trees are still green
I know they will turn yellow and red
very soon !

The PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day  3  :

a wet felted oak leaf, stitched with variegated rayon
and shiny machine thread and some seed beads
(8 x 5 cm  3.15 x 2")

For a donation of 

€ 15,-


This leaf brooch may colour
your coat or sweater
(for a whole lot longer than this autumn !)
All you need to do is send me an email at  
or just leave a comment down here
and all will be arranged
(Paypal is possible and easy) 

ALL the money goes to PINK  RIBBON !


Tomorrow I hope to see you again :
there will be a new Textile Jewel for you


donderdag 1 oktober 2020

Pink Ribbon . . . day 1

 This is the first day

of my PINK  RIBBON  challenge 2020

Every day there are new patients, women and also men (!)
who have to deal with breast cancer.
They go through fear and hope that this ordeal will stop
and turn into something good, in the end.

For the research into new treatment methods and aftercare
for breast cancer patients Pink Ribbon needs money !

As a former breast cancer patient I know how hard the diagnosis hit,
so I hope to provide support to Pink Ribbon, by making a Textile Jewel
every day of this October month and sell it to one of you,
so in the end we can donate that money !

Here's the  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel for day  1 :

A wet felted flat brooch, embroidered with silk rayon and cotton,
(5.5 cm,  2.2" diameter)

For a donation of

€ 15


this lovely flower brooch can be yours,
a bit of spring the whole year round,
You just need to send me an email at
or leave a comment under this post
and everything will be arranged !
(Paypal is possible and easy)

ALL the money goes to Pink Ribbon !

(rain outside, so the pictures taken inside !)


I hope to see you tomorrow
for the next Textile Jewel !

(after five years that people told me I was way too cheap with my jewels,
I finally raised them to my more normal art market price,
but still : ALL the money goes to Pink Ribbon !!!)

maandag 8 oktober 2018

day 8

Busy with a few things,
not quite sure what to do
Finally decided
on something new and something "old"

The "old" is a needle felted leaf :
a leftover of Sara Lechner's
House Challenge

My Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel
for day  8 :

a LEAF brooch, felt and needle felt, hand and machine
stitching with rayon thread,
and beads.
(9 x 5 cm)
(3.54" x 1.97")

Is it autumn or is it not 
this leaf is surely a colourful statement
on any jacket or sweater !

For a donation of

€ 10


(or more)
you can have this brooch
for yourself or someone else.

All you need to do is to send me an email at
(or you can tell me in a comment
at the end of this post)

ALL the money goes to the Pink Ribbon Fund !


Hope to see you tomorrow
for a new textile jewel !

zondag 30 oktober 2016

day 30

The penultimate day
of my Pink Ribbon challenge !

I slept late, but the clock went back one hour
so I was still not late.
Time to stitch.
A purple piece of felt this time
because I thought of someone special.
Though dark purple
isn't the easiest colour to stitch on :
too little or too much contrast.

The Pink Ribbon  textile jewel for day  30

A dark purple brooch
with hand dyed cotton back
embroidered with rayon and silk.
With sequins and many seedbeads
(diameter  5 cm)


€ 10

and this Textile Jewel will be yours !
You can wear it yourself
or give it as a present to someone dear!
You just have to send me an email at

All the money .... will go to the Pink Ribbon fund !

"deep purple"

And I was well looked after while stitching ...
(apple turnover, by Man ... fresh from the oven)

Mmmmmmmmmmm !

See you tomorrow with my LAST Textile Jewel !

zaterdag 23 juli 2016

blue moon . . .

When I was laying together all the green scraps
for another stitching piece
there suddenly was a blue moon on one of them ...

Well, clearly that was it :
"Blue Moon"
it should be.

(ahhhh ... and that old Blue Moon song from long ago, by Ella or by Billy )

The piece from scratch
(or should I say : from scraps ?)

halfway through ...
working from all sides

And then the finished piece

front                    and                     back

Some more details of the stitching.
Just very simple stitches :
running stitch (kantha or sometimes flat stitch)
and buttonhole stitch

in silk  and cotton or rayon embroidery floss.

Stitching I did outside in the garden,
but when it was too HOT ... I fled inside !

B.t.w. garden ...

is what I'm doing to my New Dawn rose right now :

a severe case of
black spot  !
(I think I'll have to spray, next year ...)

But other things are doing great !!!


Thalictrum delavayi

Phlox (Utopia)