Posts tonen met het label silk. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label silk. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 25 oktober 2023

day 25

Today I had a piece of sea blue felt
that I cut out for a luck box.
It made me think of the sea
and that reminded me of the song of Sweet Molly Malone
(and yes, that stuck to my mind all day long)

Working most of the time with only one strand of cotton
making the tiniest French knots :
shells, sea stars, seaweed . . . a true miniature bit of tide line.
(Pictures are taken with lamplight : late on a rainy day !)

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 25 :

a little felt box, stitched with silk, cotton, some bits of mesh,
a few sequins and seed beads, it closes with a homemade cord
which has a charm of mother-of-pearl.
(5 cm,  2")

For a donation of
at least

 € 15,- 


this lovely box can be yours.
To keep for yourself or to give to some person you love
Just send me an email at 
and all the next steps will be arranged
Bank or Paypal
is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL your money goes to Pink Ribbon !


There will be another Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel tomorrow
I hope to see you then !

dinsdag 24 oktober 2023

day 24

Many people often ask
if I work ahead and plan my jewels . . .
but NO

Of course I have to plan my wet felting
because otherwise they are too wet to stitch !
But when I'm using ready-made woolen felt
I let myself be guided mostly by the colours of the felt
but more often by the colours of the threads.
I have a big stash with "normal" DMC stranded cotton,
but also various linen and silk threads
(in the solid or variegated version)
Snippets of mesh or tulle and seed beads are inspiration too.
Today's jewel was created this way :
all the greens reminded me of ferns in a shady garden.

AND : fortunately our computer-wizard had time for me today
and though he didn't have a clue either what went wrong
he made it all work again !!! 

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 24 :

a little felt heart pendant, with a snippet "Kaffe Fassett" at the back,
stitched with silk, cotton and rayon, some seed beads
and a gray-green stone might be jade (or agate or ?)
at the bottom 0n a metal necklace
(5 x 6 cm,   2 x 2.4")

For a donation
of at least

 € 15,- 


this lush green heart can be for you !
Such a beautiful gift for someone dear (or for yourself)
You just need yo send me an email at 
and we'll arrange the rest.
Bank or Paypal is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL the money goes to


I'm so glad all turned out well with the photo-program
so no problems for the new Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel for tomorrow !
See you then !

donderdag 19 oktober 2023

day 19

I'm really flabbergasted when I realize
how many hours it takes me to stitch and finish
such small items as my Textile Jewels !
Not only the stitching,
but looking
for just the right coloured thread or beads
. . . . .
(you're lucky you are not paying me by the hour)

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 19 :

a felt triangular box, stitched with silk, cotton and rayon
on a homemade hanging cord
with a little bead charm
(5cm,   2")

For a donation
of at least

 € 15,- 


this cute little box
(which can hold some secrets)
can be yours, to keep, or give away to a dear person.
Just send me an email at 
and the rest will be arranged.
Bank or Paypal
is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL the donated money goes to Pink Ribbon !



I hope to see you tomorrow
there will be a new  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
waiting for you !

zondag 15 oktober 2023

day 15

 This time a new item in
my Pink Ribbon challenge :
a little box.
Not directly a Textile Jewel to wear
but one to place or hang somewhere
where some extra luck is welcome :
a new home, a cradle, a special room, anywhere you choose.
It could even contain a little secret that can be kept safe
or a scrap of paper with some words of love
. . . . .

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 15 :

a felt triangular box, stitched with silk, cotton,
some sequins and seed beads,
a tiny bell at the hanging cord.
(5 cm,  2")

For a donation
of at least



this little box can be yours
and what a wonderful gift it would make !
just send me an email at 
and we'll arrange the remaining steps.
Bank or Paypal
is possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL your money goes to the Pink Ribbon Fund !


Tomorrow ?
there will be a new Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel
for you !

zaterdag 14 oktober 2023

day 14 (a birthday)

Sun !
That was surely a present for
my birthday-boy,
after the windy and gray (even wet) yesterday!
(hmmmm . . . boy ? not so young anymore)

So today a special shape Textile Jewel
day 14 :

a wet felted oval ring shaped brooch
stitched with silk, cotton, rayon
and some seed beads
(6 x 5 cm,   2.4 x 2")

For a donation of
at least

 € 15,- 


this special jewel can be yours,
it will surely draw the eye !
You just need to send me an email at 
so the following steps can be arranged !
Bank or Paypal
possible and easy
(+ postage)

ALL the donated money will go to PINK  RIBBON !


Grab it now
wait for the Pink Ribbon Textile Jewel
that will be here tomorrow

. . . . .

woensdag 19 oktober 2022

day 19

What colours I choose for my jewels depends
on the moment of the day.

Though some might think that  white  isn't exactly a "colour"
but I think differently.
I'm very much in LOVE with the whites
of the full moon or
of a winter's day with ice and snow !
So, there will be white Textile Jewels 
from time to time too.

Here is my PINK RIBBON Textile Jewel
for day 19 :

a wet felted disc brooch with gold and silk integrated,
a crocheted silk flower and a tiny bit of lace
stitched with cotton, silk and seed beads
(6 cm,   2.4")

For a donation
of (at least)

 € 15 


this white beauty can be yours,
to give to someone dear
or to keep for yourself !
Just send me an email at  
or say so in the comments below
and everything will then be arranged !
Paypal is possible and easy !
(+ postage)

ALL your money will go to  PINK  RIBBON !


Please come again tomorrow :
there will be a new Textile Jewel for Pink Ribbon !

dinsdag 27 oktober 2020

day 27

There was that special colour of wool ...
It fitted exactly to the colour
of my favorite "Cora Kemperman" dress.
(so, is was often : NO, don't use that bit !)
But after my special bag was made
it wasn't so bad anymore :
there is still some left !
And for the Textile Jewels
not very much wool is needed.

My  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel for day 27 :

A wet felted triangle pendant, couched silk on one side,
stitched and some seed beads on the other side
and a flat glass bead at the bottom,
hanging on an adjustable wax cord.

For a donation of at least

€ 15,-


this cobalt blue pendant
can be yours,
to give a loved one as a present
or to keep for yourself.
Just sending an email at
is all you need to do for that.
(Paypal is possible and easy)

ALL the money goes to  PINK  RIBBON !


Tomorrow there will be another Textile Jewel
for  Pink Ribbon
Will I see you again then ?

woensdag 21 oktober 2020

day 21

and bits of sunshine and some rain :
truly AUTUMN.
The water next to our garden ripples in waves
made by the wind .
The ducks peddle around a bit
but hardly any other birds.

The pendant I stitched today
is connected to the water :
that lively edge that gives our garden just that bit of extra fun.

My PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel
for day 21 :

a wet felted pendant, stitched with silk, on a textile bead
and with an extra tiny felted circle and some beads,
(and a frog charm on the back)
hanging on an adjustable wax cord
(11 x 6 cm    4.3 x 2.3")

For a donation of at least

 € 15,- 


this beauty that rises from the water
can adorn any garment you like.
or it would make a wonderful gift
to s dear friend,
Just send me an email at  
and we'll arrange everything needed.
(Paypal is possible and easy
but mind the postage
if you don't live around the corner !)

ALL the money will go to Pink Ribbon !


I hope to see you tomorrow
because there will be another Textile Jewel
waiting for you ! 

donderdag 1 oktober 2020

Pink Ribbon . . . day 1

 This is the first day

of my PINK  RIBBON  challenge 2020

Every day there are new patients, women and also men (!)
who have to deal with breast cancer.
They go through fear and hope that this ordeal will stop
and turn into something good, in the end.

For the research into new treatment methods and aftercare
for breast cancer patients Pink Ribbon needs money !

As a former breast cancer patient I know how hard the diagnosis hit,
so I hope to provide support to Pink Ribbon, by making a Textile Jewel
every day of this October month and sell it to one of you,
so in the end we can donate that money !

Here's the  PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel for day  1 :

A wet felted flat brooch, embroidered with silk rayon and cotton,
(5.5 cm,  2.2" diameter)

For a donation of

€ 15


this lovely flower brooch can be yours,
a bit of spring the whole year round,
You just need to send me an email at
or leave a comment under this post
and everything will be arranged !
(Paypal is possible and easy)

ALL the money goes to Pink Ribbon !

(rain outside, so the pictures taken inside !)


I hope to see you tomorrow
for the next Textile Jewel !

(after five years that people told me I was way too cheap with my jewels,
I finally raised them to my more normal art market price,
but still : ALL the money goes to Pink Ribbon !!!)

woensdag 9 oktober 2019

day 9

First things first :
felting new pieces !

Then I took some lovely hand dyed silk
and some felt.
Well I liked the colours of both sides ...
so why not make a pendant with both sides stitched !
(though it took me a lot longer than I thought it would)

Textile Jewel for day  9 :

A two-sided pendant,
made of magenta hand dyed silk and purple felt,
stitched with cotton floss and rayon,
a few sequins and seed beads
on an adjustable dark purple wax cord.
(5 x 5 cm , 2 x 2")
(90 cm , 35")

The pendant is light and a delight to wear !

For a donation of at least

€ 10


this Jewel can be yours
a lovely gift to someone dear
(or to pamper yourself)

Just send me an email at
or tell me you want it in the comments
down here

ALL the money goes to PINK RIBBON !


Tomorrow there will be a new PINK RIBBON Textile Jewel


And these were just waiting to be rinsed 
and stuffed with kitchen paper to dry.