Posts tonen met het label Man and me. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Man and me. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 26 oktober 2022

day 26 ( . . . and 55)

 Today :
a day

just as sunny
as that same day
years ago
. . . . . 

(and still going strong)

So no coincidence that,
when I found two water soluble stitched hearts
(in the same bag as the snowflake)
I knew exactly when and on what to use them !

My PINK RIBBON Textile Jewel
for day 26 :

a two sided pendant, with water soluble hearts on one side and
a machine stitched fabric collage on the second,
with seed beads on the edge,
on a textile bead and with an adjustable homemade cord

For a donation
of at least

 € 15 


this token of love can be yours
to keep and cherish
or to give to someone dear.
You just need to send me an email at  
or tell me in the comments below
and we'll arrange the rest.
Paypal is possible and easy.
(+ postage)

ALL  you money goes to PINK RIBBON !


There will be a new Textile Jewel for you.
See you then !

zondag 9 september 2018


Yesterday Man and I were at the

The name comes from  
Margaretha Turnor
Chatelaine of the Amerongen Castle
in the seventeenth century.

The people of Amerongen have chosen her name
(also the flower "marguerite", which is "margriet" in Dutch !)
for their market of organic products,
art, music and other cultural events,
which they hold twice a year.

I've visited and attended several markets this year
and I must say :
this one was the best !

A good organization, a lovely place,
fun events and life music.
We had wonderful, kind helping
lovely customers and nice sales !
I hope they all enjoy their purchases

Thanks "Grietmarkt"

Just at the start of the day

Us, and the neighbours opposite with weaving products
(made by mentally disabled in a social workplace)

The wonderful ceramic birds "next door"

a silversmith and embroidered landscapes

bird feeder- coffee cups and insect hotels 

more paintings

Many, many, many people with lovely items,
I didn't take pictures of them all ...

A special fashion show by a group of "Down" people

Crafting, a puppet-show
and a small carousel for the youngest visitors !

I didn't take pictures of the many delicious
organic-food stands either, but there were many.
We took home some gorgeous chanterelle mushrooms for diner !

All in all a wonderful day !

dinsdag 4 september 2018

yet another market ...

Sunday was a lovely sunny
September day !
That was good for the Art Market in Hoorn : many visitors
(lots of them by bike, which is normal in Holland  ;-) !)

The organization of  "Hoorn Kunst & Cultuur" did a good job
with many people to help us show the way.
(and what surely helped was free parking in town !)

Daughter and I had enough time to place
all the items (this time a lot of paintings) on our stand.

She had this great idea to bring her spinning wheel :
sooo many people, especially children,
loved it and listened to her explaning
how this miracle works.

Though I didn't sell many things,
we had lovely conversations,
many compliments
and I had some very lovely customers.
I wish them happy times with their purchases.


This little dragon-lady for instance
will be waiting for a new baby !

(I hope she or he will be as brave as this one !)


This Saturday there will be yet another market :

in Amerongen.

(on that same weekend is also
"Open Monuments Day" )

This time Man and  will go together again.

We hope for a bit of sunshine 
(and some happy customers)

zaterdag 18 augustus 2018

18 - 8 - 18

Zierikzee was great today !
Very windy
clouds but no rain !
Lots of compliments
and nice customers !
(but right now ..... we're tired)

Me ... waiting for the day to start.

We talked to lots and lots of lovely people
new ones and ones we have met before.

And I want to thank all the lovely customers
and hope they enjoy their purchases
for a loooong and happy time.

Thank you !

(and icing on the cake was the surprise visit
of our daughter with her kids !!!)

donderdag 26 oktober 2017

day 26 ..... (and 50 years)

On this day
50 years ago
on a sunny day like today


....................... where did the time go ??? ...............

(keep breathing
keep loving each other
and you'll just get there !)

I thought it appropriate to make a
jewel for today !

The PINK  RIBBON  Textile Jewel for day 26

a wet felted heart shape pendant,
embroidered on both sides with silk and seed beads
and mother of pearl beads.

(I hope this heart brings, whoever buys it,
lots of happiness)

For a donation of

 € 10 


(or more is allowed)
this light heart can be yours
to keep
or to give away
to someone dear !
All you need to do is send me an email at
and we'll arrange everything else.

ALL the money will go to the Pink Ribbon Fund !



This morning, our witness of fifty years ago
had these wonderful flowers delivered

Thanks Ellen !

And there were more flowers

Thanks dear daughter !

Tomorrow is the first day of fifty one
and there will be a Pink Ribbon Jewel again !

vrijdag 17 maart 2017

a special day

17 - 3 - 17

For quite some time now
March 17
is a special day for us :
on this date, on a Sunday,
our dear daughter was born !
(we always look at the daffodils :
are they in bloom, just as they were at that day ?)

Such a sweet tiny thing she was
(and sweet she still is, now proud mother of three !)

(4 weeks, on my birthday)

(never can resist daffodils in the shop ...) 

Though the real birthday party
will be next Sunday,
I could give her my present this afternoon.

I worked on it for a long time before I was satisfied
(and had to hide it every time,
so the surprise wouldn't be spoiled)

Portrait number three

So now all three kids will be next to each other.

Now I have time to continue the flower drawings I made earlier.

I still had time to do the knitting
(of course, she could see that
and didn't need to be hidden ...)

One is halfway the foot
and the on other I can start with the special "Strong" heel ...
I'll take them tomorrow when we go to the Rotterdam St'nB.

It will most probably be raining ...
but, we're going anyway :
we plan to go to the Farmer's market too.

vrijdag 14 oktober 2016

day 14

Today is Man's special birthday :
but since we already had our  B I G  party
earlier in September,
the day is quiet !

Quiet, but not without some delicious sweet !

When I woke up this morning
and realized it was this special day
I immediately had a new (better) idea
for today's  Textile Jewel
(I started a new one
and didn't continue the one I already cut out yesterday)

The Pink Ribbon  textile jewel for the lovely day  14

A spring green heart
made of felt and a Kaffe Fassett fabric back.
Embroidered with silk and rayon
and some tiny seed beads
(even my smallest needle had trouble with them !)

It might be a brooch
it might be a pendant :
(I'll wait what the one who snaps up this little heart wants ...)


€ 10

and you can decide what it will be !
Just send me an email at

All the money will be for the Pink Ribbon fund !

The making of ...


(Ahhhh ... just in time before we're off to eat dinner somewhere nice !)

See you tomorrow with the next Textile Jewel !

maandag 26 oktober 2015

day 26

The 26th of October
is a very special day for Man and me
(though today we didn't really celibrate,
that will come later)

Too much to do.

Felting ... and felting ... and more felting.

First of all I had to finish what I started on the 21st.
Now it's almost done, only some stitches
and a name tag ...
Then it's ready to be wrapped.

The rest of the felting were preparations 
for the days to come :
because on Wednesday we have some far-away visitors
and I'm really excited about that !
I sure will tell about it later.

So here is
(still a bit wet ...)

the Pink Ribbon  felted jewel  26

A turqoise amulet pouch with a lilac spiral on the flap
stitched with lilac silk thread, 
on a long matching cord
(it can be pulled open with a glass and mother-of-pearl bead)
pouch  :  6 x 5 cm  (2.3 x 1.9")
cord  :  100cm  (39")

keeper of secrets



€ 10, - 

donation to the Pink Ribbon fund
you can have this little keeper of secrets
for yourself, or as a present for someone dear.
Just let me know by email at
or you can leave a comment at the end of this post.

All the money
(you know that by now)
will go to Pink Ribbon !

See you tomorrow with my next felted jewel !