Showing posts with label handmade projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handmade projects. Show all posts

Monday, 15 October 2012

Christmas Bauble

I went to craft class this morning, it's usually on a Tuesday but we've got a workshop tomorrow.  There were only three of us in the end that could make it and this is what we made.  I'm thrilled to bits.  
Large bauble with small bauble inside.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Ribbon Scarf

When we were away last month we came across a wool shop, Mum had been looking for a particular wool for a section on a Christmas jumper she's knitting for Marion, so I said to go in and take a look.

We looked in the window for a while at all these different wools and I remember looking at ribbon with a sample piece beside it and thought it would be impossible, but went in and saw the lady knitting one.  I decided there and then to treat myself.

I started this a couple of evenings ago, very late I might add and did pretty well.  I decided while I was waiting to leave to collect her from school this afternoon I would just sit and do a bit more and before I knew it in 20 minutes it was finished.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Bookmark that my daughter made for the horticultural society show today.  We didn't go to it as it's down at my parents and we had other plans this weekend.

Mum has just phoned to say that this WON First Prize in the children's categories.

She sat with Mum making it over the half term holiday, designing it on paper first.  She's quite the little artist, I don't like drawing or art (the gene obviously bypassed Mum and I).

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Cupcakes Without The Calories

Cupcake socks, complete with cupcake case. Completely calorie free.

I was having a little event over on Facebook tomorrow in aid of Cancer Research, but unfortunately there was no interest, nobody wanted to join a virtual party from the comfort of their own home.  I was quite disappointed and have now cancelled it.

This is the design on the socks for the above cupcake.

Daisy duck, along with diamontes on her bracelet.  You can see her cupcake on the right hand side back row.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Kusadama Ball is Complete :)

Following yesterday's paper flowers, I had to fold another 30 pieces and make another 6 flowers.  Then I had to start putting them together.

The result is this:

You do this twice and wait patiently for both parts to be completely dry before doing anything else.

Next you have to get some string and beads, but in this case I had a string of blue sequins which I thought went quite well with this union jack paper and you stick this down to one of the halves and wait for that to dry.  Next comes the part of attaching the two parts to complete the ball.

I am thrilled to bits with it and I wll certainly be making more, especially with Christmas in mind and I will be selling them for those who are interested.

Monday, 30 April 2012

Paper Flowers

I missed out on a workshop at the craft shop, it was a Saturday and my parents weren't around to babysit for me. Not to worry, my daughter is more important to me.

Anyway I decided to do a search online and see if I could find a tutorial and I did, the only thing was I decided to look at 11pm and had to have a go. First one took about 5 minutes to fold properly (probably because of the time) and then it was plain sailing.

Only another 10 of these flowers to make and then it's making up time. I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Promarker Needleroll

I have quite a few promarker pens now and I've wanted a carry case for them, but they're so expensive and not something I could contemplate because I'd need about 3 for the moment.

So I asked Mum if she'd bring my sewing machine up with them when they came up for Easter (she's got it as her needs repairing) and help me with the design that was in my head for it.

So we went to a fabric shop and came home with some wadded material and elastic and made two of them. There is more fabric to make another, but we just ran out of time before they had to go back home again so Mum will make it at home.

I'm pleased with them and it has only cost me £7.50 instead of £12 each. I plan on getting some more of the material and we can make some more at a later stage.