Showing posts with label healthy breasts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy breasts. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

You And I, Travel To The Beat Of A Different Drum ...

DIFFERENT drums ... for some reason that Linda Ronstadt song came into my mind as I began this post. Written by Michael Nesmith (now that name's familiar to some of us) and a popular hit when Linda sang with the Stoned Ponies. Oh, it takes me back, for sure. My hair was long, long, long and had never been touched by a curling iron. My bottom was a little higher, too, along with the bosoms - which got a clean bill of health by the way! (Made a mammogram appointment lately?)
I'm just thinking tonight about all the things that make us different ... and interesting. Remember that "Twilight Zone" episode, "Number 12 Looks Just Like You" (1964) where everyone either looked like Suzy Parker, Richard Long or Pamela Austin? How boring to all be the same. (Not to mention, confusing!)
Now me, with my farsighted eye and my near-sighted eye, I've been to the ophthalmologist too much lately. The other day I finally gave up on the blended trifocals lenses. They were not working for me. Too much prism effect, which made me dizzy. But in honor of Don, (Grrl+Dog calls him "Gorgeous One") I had to take a self-portrait (it's self-portrait Wednesday too!) of what might pass for steampunk glasses. (Well, they might if they were rusty and a little bit funkier.)
And I forgot to tell you that a *miracle* happened on Sunday and I made a pie without crying. The bottom crust rolled out perfectly, the berries tumbled in and the top crust - I got the teensiest bit uneasy but quashed it quickly - it rolled out perfectly too. I cut out little leaves to put on top and sprinkled it with sugar. The Mister demands "a little pie" for himself, because he *tells me* his mother "always did it." Well, I guess I would try that too if I could get away with it and he obviously did because you can see him in the picture tucking into his apple pielet.
Yesterday, Tuesday, I got mail from Fannie Narte, and inside the envelope was a great little carry-all bag. It will be just perfect for my lunch and other odds and ends I can't do without ... after I decorate it. Check out Fannie's lovely "lady prints." Beautiful drawings/paintings on her blog and in her Etsy shop.
Well, I'm going on and on, aren't I? Just one more picture to show you of our Russian sage, orange day lilies and Rose of Sharon in the background. This picture, along with the sunflower, were taken at sunset as I was outside watering. The light is so lovely that time of day and they - the days - are getting shorter. (Sob!) Have you noticed? Love to you all - femminismo
p.s. Tomorrow is Seth's (The Altered Page) second chance at reposting a favorite blog. Check back to see what I dig up for Buried Treasure.
p.p.s. Oops! Some huge photos again. Back to the drawing board!