Showing posts with label Arthur Rickerby photographer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arthur Rickerby photographer. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2009

DisCo Project . . . Coming!

IF I'm not mistaken, tomorrow is the unveiling of the DisCo Projects we promised Seth Apter we would construct from the elements we exposed to the winter winds, snows and frosts - or baking heat. It all depended on whether we were in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern.
I have been working on it and August 1 has sneaked up until it's living right next door to me!
Oh, the shock to look at the calendar and realize we're almost run out of July. Strawberries, gone until next year. Dogwood tree starting to show color. (Sad, but true.)
However we still have watermelon ahead and corn on the cob and lots of green beans fresh from the garden. And peaches! So I guess there's plenty of things to look forward to.
Check back here for the DisCo Project tomorrow and I'll try not to disappoint. (But don't check too early in the day.) - femminismo
Photo is labeled "Scientific Discovery" in the Life magazine archives. Taken in 1964 by photographer Arthur Rickerby.

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA (or conjecture) what "scientific discovery" had just been made in this photo above? Did someone disgusting just walk into the room? The professor's wife, maybe? Hah! I like that answer. The girls don't look too happy and the professor looks a teensy bit ill at ease. Wait! Maybe not his wife. Maybe ... his ... MOTHER!
"Mother! What are you doing out of your room?" (He does look a little like Tony Perkins.)