Buenas a tod@s!
Os presento mi primer bolsito de fieltro 100% :D
He estado trabajando en él por lo menos 3 semanas, a ratitos, y bueno, creo que ha quedado muy bien para ser el primero!!
No es muy complicado, pero sí que lleva bastante trabajo, no os voy a mentir, pero el resultado merece la pena :), creo que lo voy a estrenar esta noche!
Ya que me he animado creo que diseñaré alguno que otro más adelante :p
Bueno, ya me diréis qué os parece.
Hello everybody!
I introduce you my first little purse, 100% felt.
I have been working on it about three weeks, a little bit everyday, and well, I think it has resulted very cute for being the first that I have done, don't you think so? :D
It's not so complicated to make, but I'm not going to lie you, it has so much work, but now that I see it I think it makes the worth :). I think I'm going to wear it tonight!!
Now that I know that I can make felt purses I think I'm going to design more purses in the future :)
Well, tell me what you think about the purse ;)