Hola fieltreras!!
Por fin viernes!
Mirad que florecillas tan simpáticas me han salido en el salón de mi casa...y eso que la primavera está loca. Pues no granizó y todo ayer donde vivo? Madre mía...y yo deseando estrenar zapatitos de verano....qué impaciencia!!
Umm...creo que la celeste se la regalaré a mi suegra, que es un cielo de mujer :)
Buen find!!
Hi felt girls!!
It's almost weekend!
Look at this funny flowers that growed up in my living room...even with this crazy Spring. Could you believe that yesterday there was a strong storm where I live? Oh my god...and here I am willing for wearing new Summer shoes...I'm impatient!!
Umm...I think the light blue one is going to be a gift for my mother-in-law, she's a lovely woman :)
Have a nice weekend!!