Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gifts. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Coral and Tusk

Good morning friends! This morning is a porridge and chai kind of morning, with rain and wind and heavy skies in Sydney. I have big plans to get some things made today, the weather making it easier to be indoors. However I've just heard that rivers are flooding in other NSW areas, which can never be very good.

Have you seen these little creatures from Coral and Tusk? Quite a few of these are in my virtual shopping cart, with the hope of at least one making it's way to our home!

The way the studio operates reminds me of when I worked as a commercial textile designer - lots of chat and cups of tea... Their video shows how lovely the Coral and Tusk Workroom is...



Coral & Tusk from Coral & Tusk on Vimeo.

Designer Stephanie Housley gives a sneak peek into the delightful world of Coral & Tusk, her line of pillows and accessories. See her imagination come to life as embroidered drawings in her beautiful Brooklyn showroom/production studio.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Letters from my Grandma



This Christmas I gave my country-grandparents a job to do. Contained in a box were 10 pre-stamped and self addressed envelopes and notecards. Their task was to jot me a note once or twice a week during the month of January. In return, a matching letter from me.


I wasn't quite sure if this gift would pan out, but so far our correspondence has been surprisingly regular. There's nothing like getting something other than bills and advertisements in the mail, particularly when hand-written with funny anecdotes and musings from my very clever grandma. So far she's told me stories of black cockatoos and bush fires.As yet she hasn't let my Pom-Pom (grandpa) write any of the notes... Perhaps I need to get him his own set of cards.