Thursday, July 30, 2020
Hello again
Monday, March 24, 2014
carry on
I have not moved on,
and forgotten about you,
I am merely carrying on,
with what needs to be done in life,
with you on my mind.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
she learns to let go.
She thinks she is finally fine.
She can still love them, even though they decided not to be in her life.
She’s learning to cherish and remember the memories.
most importantly she’s finally happy with herself, and she knows that she can never do this without His grace.
She finally understand a little bit of the phrase that she learnt long time ago:
Prayer is a sword of the believers.
Monday, February 24, 2014
You never forgive someone who deserves it. By definition forgiveness is to forgive the one who doesn't deserve it! Your are not giving them forgiveness because because they want it, because they deserve it. You forgive them for your own self. To free yourself , to be in the list of "al-muttaqin".
Quran 3: 134
Do not be upset of ‘small’ things that people did to you, remember you want God to forgive you sins.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Just once
If there is future that will be great, if not then whatever. I will get over it. I always do.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Kau pilih untuk pergi, dan aku tak mahu kejar lagi.
Cumanya ada yang beza
Kita bukan lagi kawan
Dan aku
Merasa makin tenang.
Your friend is a reflection of who you are
Dan aku tak tidak mahu melihat refleksi diri aku seperti itu
A real true friend doesn't want you to fail
Dan engkau menarik aku jauh ke lubang neraka semalam, dan hari ini kau tinggalkan aku di situ seorang diri.
If you take care of your relationship with Allah, Allah will take care of your relationship with others
Dan kawan, mungkin saja kita suatu hari nanti bisa jadi kawan semula, syaratnya aku dan engkau menjaga hubungan dengan Dia. Itu sahaja.
Maaf kawan.
Kau toksik.
Dan aku tak mahu sakit lagi.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Is not Allah Sufficient for His slave?” [al-Zumar 39:36]
YES, that should be the answer, but it's not easy to be alone. Not easy.
Certain things in this life are beyond our control, no matter how hard we try, we might not be able to have what we want.
Last chance, if I fail,
I'll apply to go to Mars: