A great big WELCOME to Kristy and the gang at The Village Downtown!
New Business Member - The Village Downtown
New Business Member - Wild Type Ranch
New Business Member - Three Acre Ranch Soaps
Earth Day 2010
The rain held off and the Brazos Valley celebrated the 2010 Brazos Valley Earth Day celebration in Wolf Pen Creek from 11-4. The Friends of the BVFM hosted the farmers' market booth with the help of some of our dedicated volunteers: Tanya Miller, Jan Gerston, and David Duchscher. Thanks so much for donating your time and energy to be out there today!
Spring Event - Another GREAT Success!
Saturday's Spring Event was another GREAT success!
A great bit THANKS to all the vendors for their generosity in giving back to the Friends of the Market with their decorations, donations to the raffle and to the musicians, as well as for the children's' booth. We were able to raise $118, handed out about 75 packets of seeds to customers eager to try their hand at gardening, and entertained loads of little ones at the kids booth while their parents shopped.
Speaking of which, a special thanks to volunteers Jan Gerston, Nancy Burford, Hugh Stearns, and Tanya Miller for making the kids booth a fun time for all!
We had 6 happy winners for our 6 raffle prizes:
- Easter Cake (donated by Karen Jozwiak) was awarded to Marjorie Beeler
- Vegan Tshirt (donated by Thomas Liberty) was awarded to Chris Bachers
- Baby Quilt (donated by Helen Wise) was awarded to Betty Duncan
- Jam/Jelly Variety Basket (donated by Amy Decker) was awarded to Marjorie Beeler
- Easter Chives (donated by the Newmans) was awarded Meghan Boston
- Grand Prize Basket (donated by the Vaughns, the Burtons, Lisa Monson, Marge Beeler, and Barb Lorraine) was awarded to Virginia Koran
Congratulations to all our winners!
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