Showing posts with label local produce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label local produce. Show all posts


Market to Menu 2014: Breakfast with the Farmers

Market to Menu 2014: connecting consumers directly to local food!

Learn how to transform fresh locally grown vegetables, fruit, and eggs into a meal your whole family will enjoy, Saturday, June 21.

Brazos Valley Farmers' Market is partnering with Village Downtown for the fourth annual Market to Menu event. GoTexan will be on board with recipe cards, shopping bags, and nutritional information. Come to see chefs from Village Downtown demonstrate preparation of vegetables and eggs, with omelet and scramble samples between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.
Some images from last year's Market to Menu:

peppers and onions
Peppers and onions awaiting the saute pan

GoTexan table
Event is sponsored by GoTexan, Texas Department of Agriculture

Sarah from Village Downtown cooking
Chef Jayne from Village Downtown prepares omelets

2 Brothers Salsa

refreshment booth
Refreshment station
GoTexan booth
GoTexan booth with basil plants