Showing posts with label my collection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my collection. Show all posts

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Joyous Celebration Poppy Parker

Joyous Celebration

For her fifth anniversary, Integrity Toys offered an exclusive Poppy Parker to W Club members, called Joyous Celebration. She's quite lovely.

She has facial screening similar to the ultra limited edition Bergdorf Goodman Poppy, and her hair styled in a neat, easy to maintain braided up-do.

Her gown is inspired by a vintage Francie outfit--DS-2240 Ballgown, only Poppy's has a pink underskirt (rather than orange), and the shoulders of her gown are styled different. She's a lovely doll.

I believe this doll was offered to every W Club member, so I'm not sure of her edition size. I bet I could find it on her certificate of authenticity--if only I could find her box!

Joyous Celebration

Friday, January 9, 2015

Runway Right Away Vanessa Perrin

Runway Right Away

Another grail doll from my collection, and a new addition from last year: Runway Right Away Vanessa Perrin. She uses the original Vanessa sculpt, and she's been given a new updated body, which unfortunately needs to be replaced. (As you can see, her hands have faded a little.)

Her hair has been rinsed, I think, from its original style, but I think it still looks pretty good. I'd love to restyle it somehow. This is a great color for Vanessa, in my opinion. I always see her as a redhead!

Runway Right Away

Tuesday, January 6, 2015



Following my resolutions, I have been splitting my time this morning on laundry and photography. It's not a great mix, but it works.

Above, it's Anja Provocatrice from the 2010 Integrity Toys convention. I added her to my collection (I believe via trade) last year, and I've been wanting her for a while. I adore her blue hair--it simply speaks to me!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's resolutions...

Vintage Barbie shelf

Do you have resolutions this year? I always try to make them, and end up not quite keeping them. This hasn't discouraged me so far, though.

We are finishing up a hectic week of rearranging the kids' rooms. I still have one bookshelf to sort through, and I'd like to go through my closet. The problem is, I feel like as soon as I donate my too-big clothing, I'll be setting myself up to regain all the weight I lost. But it's time to just buckle down and get it done. Along the same lines, I'm thinking of the doll clothes I own, and doing the same thing with them.

I'm playing with fewer dolls these days, simply because of time constraints. I have several BJDs to sell, plus I have a ton of vintage Barbie I don't enjoy like I used to. There isn't a rush, I suppose--but it would be nice to have the space. I'd like to be able to display each doll in a simple and uncluttered setting. Maybe that means pairing down a little (or more than a little).

Then... there's the Azone problem. I really got into Pure Neemo dolls this past year, and while they are cute, I have way too many! They lose their value once deboxed, of course. I haven't met another collector who'd be interested in the ones I have--well, save my friends Melissa and Megann. Plus, my daughter Lauren would kill me if I got rid of even one! The nice thing is that these dolls display really nicely, since they are only about 10" tall.

As far as conventions go--I'm registered for Grant A Wish, Barbie, and IFDC--though I should make sure I sent in the IFDC registration. I'm also planning to attend the Integrity Toys convention this year, as it's within driving distance. I was thinking of Tonner's Texas convention, but I think that's pushing it.

Finally, I'd like to finish the three books in progress I have this year. I am working on a rewrite/revision of Steffie: Out of the Box, which includes the latest dolls, some additional OOAK dolls, and will combine both prior volumes. Second, I'm getting very close to finishing Daphne: Out of the Box, which focuses on Effanbee's/Tonner's Daphne sculpt. I've realized I won't be able to include every Daphne made, as some are just too hard to find and much to pricey for me to justify for this project. I were still interested in hanging on to those taller dolls in my own collection, it would be worthwhile.

Finally, there's the biggest project: the next edition of Ball-Jointed Dolls for Beginners. I have a lot written, but it's just not coming together as easily as I'd like. I got stuck doing a new and improved database of BJD companies, and it's hard to keep on top of what is still around and which companies have gone under. Plus, I'm having problems with the book format, and I may need help this time around.

So, between all of these things and taking more photos of my dolls, I think I'm set!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Glamorous Misaki

Glamorous Misaki

Along the same lines as the OOAK Beatnik Blues, I could hardly pass up this lovely rerooted Misaki. She is a limited edition of 4, I believe, created by the talented Rob Thompson for this past year's Wave from Japan seminar at IFDC.

Here, Misaki is modeling the fashion from Glamorous Darling Poppy Parker, the souvenir doll from IFDC. It's quite a lovely gown, I think, and it matches the purple in her hair.

It has the effect of lifting Misaki's dour mood, much to her chagrin. I just love this doll--she is so delightfully grumpy--with her long bangs obscuring her face, and her purple and black hair. I think she's wonderful!

Glamorous Misaki

Beatnik Blues in IT Girl

Beatnik Blues

Beatnik Blues OOAK reroot Poppy Parker is modeling IT Girl's fashion (the companion doll from this past IFDC), which turns out to be quite a nice look for her, I think.

Sometimes, I love to match the hair and clothing of the dolls in my collection. I think it can be sort of fun. And I do have a weakness for dolls with fantasy hair color, for some weird reason. They speak to me!

Beatnik Blues

Friday, October 10, 2014

Malibu Superstar Barbie


I was able to acquire my very first Barbie in close to mint condition at the last Barbie convention. My friend Kathie found this rather unique Superstar Barbie in a swim suit. I remember her, the vinyl doll case, and all her beach accessories from my childhood.

I'm almost certain this is the first Barbie doll I had and whose feet I chewed to bits as a child.

Isn't she lovely? I'm trying hard to restrain myself from chewing on her feet today. The fact that she's tied into the case with permanent plastic ties helps quite a lot.

Check out more photos of her on Flickr.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Surprise! It's Elusive Creature Natalia Fatale!

Elusive Creature Natalia Fatale

Integrity Toys Urban Safari collection has started to arrive to dealers, and then been shipping to collectors. I was unable to control myself this past season, and I ordered quite a few dolls from this line. I'd intended to keep just the outfits from some of the dolls, and then resell the dolls.

My original favorite of the line was Adele, Vivid Encounter, and she is amazing. The doll shown above, Elusive Creature Natalia Fatale, was one of the dolls I'd intended to resell nude. However, after receiving her, and experiencing her in person, I have to say she might indeed be the favorite from the collection.

Her hair might be the winning factor for me, I have to admit. It's super soft, long, blond waves--and perfect. That, combined with her tan skin, is very California--and very Barbie--so it was quite a shock to me to see this character done in such a soft way. (I might change her lip color--I don't quite see how they fit in with this doll, though when viewed with the rest of the collection, they look fine.)

I already knew I'd love her outfit. To me, a great IT outfit is one that can be mixed and matched with others--and this one goes great with pieces from Fashion Explorer Vanessa Perrin as well as others from the Urban Safari line. I love the mesh shirt, and the adorable box pleat skirt is cute, too. The pocket detail on the vest is nicely done, also.

Elusive Creature Natalia Fatale

And of course--she has fantastic accessories. A snakeskin purse is a necessity for dear Natalia, I'm sure, but I love the enamel bangles and earrings--earrings, even though they aren't entirely necessary with her hat (not my fave) and hair.

Elusive Creature Natalia Fatale

The boots are amazing, too. They actually do not zip in the back, and still, they were super easy to put on. I was delighted, since I tend to break every single doll shoe I touch.

You can see additional photos on Flickr. I'm pretty sure you can still find Natalia from a few dealers--she's limited to 800, and I saw her from Toni's Collectibles for $145, which still cheaper than the Dollpage and some eBay listings.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Natural Beauty Tooka - Dynamite Girl in the house


I'm afraid it may be some time before I can use my big (heavy) camera, so I'm sorry you'll have to suffer through these iPhone photos. I just couldn't wait to share Natural Beauty Tooka.

I haven't purchased any Dynamite Girls for a while--at least not for my own collection. However, Sooki is my favorite face sculpt, and to see her in this lovely A-tone skin really was a must-have for me. Honestly, though, I have to confess it was her tiny owl print dress that first grabbed my attention. It's so cute!

Integrity Toys promo photo

They have a new box style--a more recycled-looking box with a new logo--since the last time I've had any DGs go through my hands. The inner box top looks like this:


Whether it's actually recycled is another question. And a good one! I wonder if I can find out.

Tooka herself is gorgeous. As pretty as her promo photos, easily, in my opinion. The sheath dress is cotton, and IT did a great job with the fabric print. (I have a daughter whose favorite color is yellow, and who also happens to have a small fascination with owls.) In my personal opinion, the owls could have been just a teeny bit smaller, but I don't think their size is a big deal.


As you can see, she also includes a detailed denim jacket with buttons and pockets, though it only closes at the bottom with a hook and loop. I think this will be a fun layering piece, though, and it's very nicely done.

Her accessories are a great clutch, bangle bracelets, simple hoop earrings, and stunning tiny espadrilles.

Her hair is pretty wild out of the box--so long and curly--but super soft, too. It lends itself well to styling, so she's pretty versatile. I think the style suits her very well, and she's an absolutely adorable little doll for her price point--I think retail was $70. You really can't beat that!


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Chiika in a new outfit!

Azone Chiika

Azone Chikka in a new outfit! I just need to stop with this obsessive behavior. Enough already--and I think I hear the postal carrier at the door. Oh man!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mio's Holiday - my latest addition from Azone

Mio's Holiday

Originally, I planned on only one. My intention was to trade a Fashion Royalty doll for a single Azone Pure Neemo, and be done with it. But now they've totally taken over an entire shelf in the doll cabinet!

This is Mio, older sister to Mia and Miu, with the larger body size (I think she uses the M Flection body, but I could be mistaken). She is absolutely adorable! I love her monochromatic outfit.

She includes a bra and panties, skirt with lace trim, corset, cardigan with ruffled edges, blouse with ribbon tie, matching purse, headband with a bow, socks and boots. The only thing I dislike about her were the fact that her boots were so difficult to put on her feet. They don't have closures, so it was hard to slip them on--but I managed it.

I'll add a few more detail photos of her here, for your own examination.

Mio's Holiday
Closeup of her corset, cardigan and blouse
Mio's Holiday
Details of the boots
Mio's Holiday
Detail of her purse
Mio's Holiday
Another full length shot
Mio's Holiday
She's so cute and flirty!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lien - the newest Picco Neemo!


Really, I only wanted one! I think Lien, my latest Picco Pure Neemo addition, might be my seventeenth Picco Neemo since October. It's really a sickness! Some have been trades, and most are second-hand, and many aren't complete. Some actually belong to my daughter Lauren. She adores these little dolls, too--both the 1:6 size and the 1:12 size above.

Lien includes a bunch of extra posing hands, as you can see. I'm never sure how to use the victory hands, though they seem to be my daughter's favorites. I love the soft holding hands--they seem to be the most versatile.

Lien's outfit is adorable, also--white boots, socks, panties, a box-pleated skirt, sleeveless shirt and sweater. Plus, did you know she's actually a miniature version of this doll, Angelic Sigh Lien, her original Pure Neemo debut? Now that I'm checking out Azone's website, it looks like many of the 1:12 dolls are miniatures of the original 1:6 Pure Neemos. Eeek! I can hardly wait!

Chicline Nanuri in Tonner's Dramatic Antoinette fashion


This is a recent trade acquisition, a normal skin resin Fairyland Chicline BJD with a Nanuri faceplate, face-up by 16-Bit FaceUps. I think she's quite pretty--I love her natural looking lips. I also have a Lishe faceplate for her, which is currently being painted as well.

She's wearing Dramatic, an Antoinette fashion by Tonner Doll.

You can see a few more photos of her on Flickr.

Sunday, May 11, 2014



I've been doing a little reorganization in my display cabinets lately. This was one my former Steffie shelves. Now, as you can see, I have a few other dolls in there along with Steffie as well. Notice my collection of Arnaldo Restorations is growing?

I've been going through a like-it-versus-love-it phase again, trying to rearrange my collection, redress dolls, and make things less crowded overall. I'm having lots of fun, actually. You can see a few additional photos on Flickr, showing my work in progress.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fall Flowers by Magia 2000

Fall Flowers

I also got a chance to snap a few photos of my very first Magia 2000 OOAK doll, Fall Flowers. I was able to pick her up at the Grant A Wish convention during room shopping--and I'm just so thrilled.

She uses a Steffie sculpt, and she's wearing a hand-beaded gown with silk flower details. You can see lots more photos on Flickr. I think she's the shining star of my Barbie collection!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Growing and growing

Secret Wonderland Miu - the Azone store exclusive - has arrived. And I've discovered an absolutely love of fantasy hair on these Pure Neemo cuties! They are so sweet!

Of course, they tend to be the limited edition ones--as if they aren't already hard enough to find, LOL--I have to like the limited store exclusive versions best. I wonder if I can find someone to reroot these girls for me... that might be another option!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Azone cuties

Azone cuties by alington
Azone cuties, a photo by alington on Flickr.
Nanoha has a new outfit--for Picco Neemo by Azone, of course. She redresses very well, especially for a blue-haired doll.

These Azone tinies are so amazingly fun. I'm surprised at how quickly they have been multiplying!

Monday, March 3, 2014


Nanoha by alington
Nanoha, a photo by alington on Flickr.
Ack--they keep coming! It's my latest arrival, another 1:12 scale Picco Neemo by Azone. She's a character from a movie, I think. Her box says she's Nanoha, the Musical Lyrical Girl.

She has rooted blue hair, extra hands, including one extra gloved hand, extra bare feet (she's got molded boot feet!), and a book. Eek, she's cute!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Goldie Grail

Goldie by alington
Goldie, a photo by alington on Flickr.
On days like today, I can see when doing the dolly shuffle is all worthwhile. I'm in the middle of like-it-or-love-it frenzy, as I recently discovered two older dolls on the marketplace which I have been longing to add to my collection for years.

The first has arrived, and she does not disappoint! You can see her deboxing photos on Flickr. She is one of the first suntan Goldie BJDs produced by Peak's Woods in 2008, and she is indeed gorgeous.

Her resin is a much lighter shade than later tan dolls by the same company, and she has yellowed only slightly over the past years. She's in excellent condition--she only needs to be sueded.

I'm surprised by how much I love her face-up. I was thinking I might prefer a more dramatic or smokey eye--but I'm delighted by this lighter face-up style, which was painted by Lilikoi.

Taking the first few photos of this doll has really encouraged me to continue in the endeavor. I think you'll be seeing more for-sale posts from me shortly!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Touch of Teal

Touch of Teal by alington
Touch of Teal, a photo by alington on Flickr.
My next project is well underway--a work about Daphne Dimples by Effanbee/Tonner Doll. She's currently my favorite Tonner sculpt. (Well, it's a toss-up between Daphne and the Duchess.)

Touch of Teal was surprisingly hard to find. She was limited to 300 when she was produced in 2007. I think she's one of the prettier Daphne dolls available, and many collectors like keep her in their collection. I can totally understand.

You can see a few additional photos on Flickr.


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