Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Madame Alexander update!

This, directly from Mark & Sharlene Aschauer, of Two Daydreamers, regarding the Madame Alexander unveiling in San Francisco:

Madame Alexander Doll Club
2013 California Premier - Let's Go to the Movies

February 16th - February 17th
Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront 
Dear Madame Alexander Doll Collector:
As we're only a few weeks away from the MADC California Premier we wanted to give you an update.    When we look at the list of registrants we are excited both to see many old friends and a lot of new names have registered for the San Francisco Premier.  Our videos and movies are ready to go, our guest speaker is confirmed, a red carpet has been arranged for all of the stars attending Premier, we'll be showing the 2013 Madame Alexander collection and sending you home with catalogs, we've got some exciting games to play, some fun door prizes, a great raffle and some unexpected  surprises lined up.  Now we are looking forward to seeing everyone at Lunch on February 16th.  The California Premier promises to be a fun party! 
Break Out Events - Running Out of Time 
In the past, sign-up for break-out events were included on the registration form.  This year, there was a delay receiving the cost of both the Cissette souvenir and centerpiece dolls which prevented these two events from being on the main registration form.  As you know, sign-ups for the Cissette Event and the afternoon Centerpiece Event were sent out after the MADC office received your event registration.  This has caused some confusion and delays.  We're worried this may prevent some attendees from being signed up in time for the two breakout events.  If you're attending the California Premiere and want to attend either/both the breakout events, complete your registration now.  In case you haven't received the form from the MADC office yet, let us know and we'll e-mail it to you.  You'll need to mail it back to NYC ASAP.  Also, please e-mail us to let us know that you have paid and signed up for one or both events so we can reserve the space, a souvenir and arrange a meal for you. 
As indicated in your registration package the fastest way to return your break out event registration is to mail it to Melissa at the new Alexander Doll offices: 
Attn: Melissa
112 W 34th Street
Suite 1207
New York, New York  10120 
Raffle Donations -

There has also been some confusion about donating dolls for the raffle.  Yes, you can bring the item with you.  If you intend to do this rather than mailing it ahead of time, PLEASE e-mail us the name of the item that you're bringing so we can prepare a donation card mentioning your generosity with the name of the item and guesstimate the space we'll need.  Many people have written to say that they're bringing an item but to date nobody has written us what they're bringing.  Please e-mail either Sharlene or Mark
Volunteers -

There wasn't any space on the registration form this year to mark if you're interested in volunteering to help at Premier.  We still need help with table hostesses, registration, raffle ticket sales, help setting up, etc.  Please let us know if you're interested.  Sharlene is coordinating this. 
Special Meals- 
Last week we met with the catering service at the hotel and we are confident that everyone will enjoy the wonderful menu.  The deserts look terrific.  We have also made arrangements to provide vegetarian meals to anyone requesting this option.  There is no additional cost for this option.  If you are interested in vegetarian meals please let either Sharlene or Mark know and we'll make arrangements prior to the Premier.  We can tell you that the vegetarian options from the hotel sound delicious. 
Hotel Reservations - 
This is really urgent.  The last day for making hotel reservations using the club discount and the parking discount is January 25th.  The 25th is this Friday!!  The easiest way to make your hotel reservations is to call Hilton Reservations at 1-800-HILTONS.  The discount is available for the nights of February 15th and February 16th.  When making your reservation the operator will need to know that the MADC event is at the Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront and that the name of our discount coupon is "Madame Alexander Doll Club." 
As we have mentioned previously the club rate is $130.00 per night with single or double occupancy and the daily parking rate is $8.00 with in/out privileges.  We attended another doll event last weekend near to our hotel and the parking was $20.00 per day and the room rate was almost double our special rate.  We hope you will enjoy the Hilton.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Shipping schedule update from Tonner Doll Company

Tonner Doll has updated its shipping schedule, which can be seen at this link. Additional, the following items are listed as sold out and limited:

Sold out at Tonner:

Deluxe Goth Basic American Model
American Model Glamour Basic
Court GOwn
Cami Basic
Jon Basic
Steam Funk Cami
Soho SHeer
Radical Red
22" Batgirl
DeeAnna Denton Susan Wig
2012 DeeAnna Denton Wigged Basic
2012 Peggy Harcourt Wigged Basic
Scarlett's Wedding Day
Madame de l'Amour
Freedom for Fashion Akemi
Finishing Touch Pink and Champagne
Nu Mood High Heel #2, 5, 6
Nu Mood Jagged Cut Bright Red
Nu Mood Tyler Fashion


Miss Briarwood
Nu Mood Ankle Boot #1
Nu Mood Ballet Skirt - Black
Simply Precarious
Party Girl
Swing Time
Anything Goes

If you're interested in these items, pick them up from your favorite dealer while you can, as they won't be available much longer!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Shipping update from Integrity Toys

My dealer has notified me that the following dolls have shipped from Integrity:

She's Not There - Poppy Parker
My Generation - Chip Farnsworth III

Additionally, the following W Club dolls should be shipping from Integrity Toys any day now:

High Envy Erin
Truly, Madly, Deeply Agnes gift set

And I've heard from DOLLS Magazine that Champs-Elysees Victoire Roux has been shipping this week.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Tonner Fall/Holiday Release!

Check all the new goodies from Tonner Doll Company! I see plenty of "have to haves". Basic Cami & Jon along with some killer dressed dolls & outfits, Gina!, MORE Precarious TDF dressed dolls, Marilyn, James Dean (no photos yet), Katherine Pierce from Vampire Diaries (one of my fav shows & she's gorgeous!), Forever Bella, a Steampunk Dorothy (love her!), X-23 (what a face!), Deathly Hollows Ron, Miss Briarwood outfit, fabulous Deeanne & Peggy, more Nu Mood and though I'm not into the little girl dolls that Patsy and her outfits are tempting. Check it out!  Let us know what you think?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tonner shipping schedule update

Scandal - Precarious
Photo property of Tonner Doll Company
There is a new shipping schedule update from Tonner Doll Company - you can access it here. Here are some of the updates:

Upcoming items:

June 4, 2012
Steam Funk Cami
Captain Jack

June 18, 2012
City Shoes
DeeAnna Denton Susan Wig
DeeAnna's New Look
Nu Mood Sydney - Fashion restock
13" Suzette

July 9, 2012
Finishing Touch Ballet Black
13" Simone Basic

Limited availability, in stock unless otherwise noted:

  • Emily
  • 22" Batgirl
  • 2012 Peggy Harcourt Wigged Basic
  • Flourish (TBD)
  • Heartbroken 
  • Nu Mood Ankle Boot #1
  • Nu Mood Jagged Cut Bright Red
  • Nu Mood Carrie 
  • Nu Mood Ballet Skirt - Champagne
  • Simply Precarious (TBD)
  • Swing Time (TBD)
  • Decadence (TBD)
  • Anything Goes

Sold out:

  • Court Gown (TBD)
  • Radical Red 
  • Madame de l'Amour (TBD)
  • Finishing Touch Ballet Champagne
  • Nu Mood Tyler - Fashion
  • Nu Mood Sydney - Fashion (restock June 18, 2012)
  • Nu Mood Jess - Dance
  • Nu Mood Bettie - Curvy
  • Party Girl (TBD - Wait list)
  • Scandal (TBD - Wait list)
  • Intriguing (TBD - Wait list)

The sold-out items are sold out at Tonner directly. You may still be able to find them at your local dealer, or you might be able to place yourself on a waiting list if another customer cancels the order. So don't despair, if you feel you've missed out!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

UPDATE - I was misinformed.

Party Girl Precarious by Tonner Doll Company - to be shipped soon!
Earlier today, I posted about a bunch of Tonner Dolls scheduled to ship soon. The actual information is as follows:

The balance of Wedding Day Scarlett is scheduled to ship within the next few weeks.

Additionally, Nu Mood Sydney should arrive by the end of June.

The rest of the items are still on the to-be-determined list.

Sorry about that. Apparently, my dealer was misinformed.


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