Showing posts with label streetstyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label streetstyle. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

let's start again

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 photo vogue-spain-may-2015-catherine-mcneil-by-greg-kadel_zps4pbofr4w.jpg
 photo by-Kevin-Sinclair-for-Elle-Brazil-November-2014_zpsq5kcbk5u.jpg
 photo vanity-fair-oscar-2015-after-party-gigi-hadid-atelier-versace_zpspoaocuit.jpg
Source: Photos by Patrick Demarchelier for Pirelli calendar 2005/ Greg Kadel for Vogue Spain May 2015/ Kevin Sinclair for Elle Brazil Nov 2014/ Vanity Fair Oscar 2015 after party

Daaaaang am I UNFIT! I need to hit the gym stat! Are any of my Down Under people ready for Summer yet???


Monday, 10 August 2015


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Source: The Sartorialist

Hello again. You've probably noticed that I have not been into the blogging thing as often this year. To be honest with you, I've been feeling a little burnt out and lack of inspiration in general has taken a huge toll on myself posting regularly. I think moving back to a smaller city in Australia from Seoul has a lot to do with this. If I'm not inspired = no blog posts.

Nowadays, I feel like the internet is churning out the same thing over and over again and lacking original content. Most blogs I look at nowadays seem a little contrived (except the ones I truly love) and lacking eccentricity and spontaneity. I think that is one of the reasons why I have branched out into looking at make-up Youtube channels. 

Don't get me wrong, I still love fashion but my love for it fluctuates and right now I'm in a bit of a rut. Hopefully I haven't lost my blogging mojo completely. Thanks to those of you for continually coming back and checking up on this site. 

Friday, 30 January 2015


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Source: Stockholm Streetstyle/ Lee Oliveira

The only things that I am into nowadays are cars, tennis and soccer. Not necessarily in that order.

p.s. Watched the Murray vs Berdych match last night and it was three and a half hours of EPICNESS.

Monday, 3 November 2014


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 photo by-santiago-mauricio-sierra-for-vamp-magazine-fall-winter-2014_zpsfe9fa04e.jpg
 photo Costume-Norway-Nov2014-bybyAkilaBerjaoui_zpsbe0597f3.jpg
 photo stockholm-streetstyle-chloe-two-girls_zps6def6056.jpg
 photo loveandlemons-holiday-2014lookbook-by-ZoeyGrossman_zps0c50c7bc.jpg
Source:  Photos by Santiago Mauricio Sierra for Vamp magazine FW 2014/ Stockholm streetstyle/ Hicham Riad for Marie Claire Belgium Oct 2014/ Akila Berjaoui for Costume Norway Nov 2014/ Zoey Grossman for Love and Lemons Holiday 2014 lookbook

A series of photographs that are currently haunting me and intriguing me right now.

Saturday, 4 October 2014

a wristful

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Source: Photos by JakandJil/ Le21eme/ Calvin Klein SS 2012/ tumblr/ unknown/ Russell James

Going to Sydney for a couple of days....c ya

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

make your own magic

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 photo susancernek-stockholmstreetstyle_zps1661f3e1.jpg
Source: Flickr/ unknown/ StockholmStreetstyle

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


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 photo Julie-Hillmans-Pond-Ridge-ArchitecturalDigestEspantildea_zpsfb24e948.jpg
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Source: Photos by Josh Olins for WSJ Magazine Sept 2014/ StockholmStreetstyle/ Julie Hillmans-Architectural Digest EspaƱa

The sort of look I'm into at the moment which is simple basics with an expensive coat or accessory. I call it ostentatious with an air of nonchalance.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Pitti Uomo 86

Blue is definitely BIG this season. I think this shade of blue is fabulous for Summer, so visually cool and un-stuffy.
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Source: Le21eme

Do you think the gentleman above is wearing camo Kevlar? If so, HOW FREAKIN COOL IS THAT?!!!

Monday, 9 June 2014

miranda streetstyle

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Source: unknown

I know a baby is never ever an accessory but daaang that Flynn is super cute.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

black stripes

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Source: Photos by Lee Oliveira/ unknown

Totes cute outfit. I still can't figure out if this is a dress or a two-piece set///

Saturday, 7 June 2014

clutch me happy

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 photo electricblue-byNam-streetfsn_zpsa155d6e0.jpg
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 photo VivianaVolpicella-le21eme_zpse7dd3558.jpg
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 photo byMichaelHauptman-NastyGalrsquosVintageChanelLookbook-1_zpsf25c8973.jpg
Source: Photos by Michael Hauptman for Nasty Gal’s Vintage Chanel Lookbook/ jakandjil/ streetfsn/ mrnewton/ le21eme/ Sandra Semburg/ leeoliveira

I'm not a huge fan of poms in general but that last picture always makes me smile :)