Showing posts with label menswear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label menswear. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 July 2014


Just a little more inspiration....
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Source: Bonobos Spring 2014 Lookbook

Monday, 23 June 2014

Pitti Uomo 86

Blue is definitely BIG this season. I think this shade of blue is fabulous for Summer, so visually cool and un-stuffy.
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Source: Le21eme

Do you think the gentleman above is wearing camo Kevlar? If so, HOW FREAKIN COOL IS THAT?!!!

Friday, 13 June 2014

pink malibu

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Source: Photos by Miguel Reverigo for Vogue Spain May 2014/ Missoni Menswear SS 2014 via The Sartorialist

I'm smack in the middle of a Pretty Little Liars marathon. Anyone else watching that series?

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Pitti Uomo 85

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Source: streetfsn/ jakandjil

A little late I know but look at all these handsome men. It'd be a dream come true to be in Florence at that time, sigh...

Saturday, 27 July 2013

dressing for cold weather

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Source: stockholmstreetstyle/ unknown/ garancedore

If you're living in the southern hemisphere right now, layering clothing, turtlenecking-it and scarfing-it are the only possibilities for getting through this cold. Slipped in a picture of Rob because given the opportunity I don't think I'd ever say NO to wearing a maroon-coloured Gucci suit. Hehe.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Pitti Uomo 84

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Source: Photos by Nam for STREETFSN

Some of the stylish street looks from Pitti Uomo, the menswear tradeshow held twice a year in Florence, Italy.

They look so baller.

All of 'em.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Mihara Yasuhiro

Source: Miharayasuhiro A/W 09
I'm hardly the expert when it comes to menswear but I do appreciate a good cut of a jacket whether it be for males or females. When I see clothes like these, men shouldn't have any excuses when they complain about not having anything to wear. If I were a dude I would so wear these.