Showing posts with label clutches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clutches. Show all posts

Saturday, 7 June 2014

clutch me happy

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 photo VivianaVolpicella-le21eme_zpse7dd3558.jpg
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 photo byMichaelHauptman-NastyGalrsquosVintageChanelLookbook-1_zpsf25c8973.jpg
Source: Photos by Michael Hauptman for Nasty Gal’s Vintage Chanel Lookbook/ jakandjil/ streetfsn/ mrnewton/ le21eme/ Sandra Semburg/ leeoliveira

I'm not a huge fan of poms in general but that last picture always makes me smile :)

Friday, 27 December 2013

green rocks

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Source: TheFlowerWoman

I guess I was a naughty girl this year because I really wanted the clutch and ring above and Santa just didn't deliver.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

cashmere v-necks

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Source: Photos by Quentinde Briey for Vogue Spain Oct 2013/ seaofshoes/ Dior Perfumes Autumn 2013/ le21eme
Yesterday I went out for a dinner with friends + new people for the first time since coming back to Seoul and experienced such an unpleasant jab of city-snobbiness that it almost made me want to puke a little. Unpleasantries aside, today is a beautiful day outside and I just received my new sweater in the mailbox (it feels as good as 100% cashmere).

Saturday, 9 November 2013

fendi monster

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 photo DaniellaRech-fendiss2014backstage_zpsca2740d3.jpg
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Source: Stockholmstreetstyle/ fendiss2014backstage by DaniellaRech/ Streetfsn by Nam

I've been noticing these cute little critters adorning the handbags and clutches of their fashionable humans at fashion weeks around the world. Seriously, how much do they remind you of pygmy puffs?!!!

Sunday, 6 October 2013

pink fuzz

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Source: stockholmstreetstyle/ thesartorialist

Totally enamoured with this baby pink furry clutch. I know I've seen it on the runways somewhere but I've forgotten the label. Does anyone know who it's by?

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Valorie glitter-finished clutch

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Source: Anya Hindmarch

Overloading on sequins can be a tad kitschy truth be told, however, I'd like to think tiny glittery pieces in the form of a clutch is a little bit better and (hopefully) exceptionally tasteful.

I want.