Showing posts with label Vogue Netherlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vogue Netherlands. Show all posts

Friday, 20 June 2014


 photo AnnemariekevanDrimmelen-VogueNetherlandsJuly-aug-2014-1_zpsca8fd8ba.jpg
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 photo AnnemariekevanDrimmelen-VogueNetherlandsJuly-aug-2014-4_zps5263f29a.jpg
Source: Photos by Annemarieke van Drimmelen for Vogue Netherlands July-August 2014

Clean lines.

To be honest with you, I'm not that into the whole normcore trend. In the summer, I usually wear a tanktop paired with some jeans, not even with flares or a particularly baggy style of pant, just good old plain skinnies. But the first picture has me converted. I'd wear that. BUT not with Birkenstocks, good gawd no. #sorrynotsorry

And that Chloe backless swimsuit is to die for.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

chunky tweed bracelets

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Source: Paul Bellaart for Vogue Netherlands Sept 2013
Yay, it's late August already and that means various September issues of Vogue will be popping up on the magazine stands. I desperately need a fresh dose of inspiration! And fashion week is starting soon- getting excited.

Monday, 5 August 2013

true grit

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 photo byAnnemariekeVanDrimmelenforVogueNetherlandsJuly2013_zps52c2d5f6.jpg
 photo byCraigMcDeanforVogueUSJune2011-2_zpsdd0d6eb9.jpg
Source: Photos by Craig McDean for US Vogue June 2011/ by Annemarieke Van Drimmelen for Vogue Netherlands July 2013

I'm going to be in Sydney for a couple of days starting from today, I guess (already past midnight here). I'm hopping on the bus in the morning, getting outta here and hopefully will enjoy a change of scene.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

deep blue sea

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 photo Vogue-Spain-May-2013-by-Miguel-Reveriego-2_zpsa5cce860.jpg
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 photo VogueNetherlands-June2013-PetrovskyampRamone-2_zpse369a55e.jpg
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Source: Photos by Miguel Reveriego for Vogue Spain May 2013/ Petrovsky&Ramone for Vogue Netherlands June 2013\ Chris Colls for InStyle Australia Nov 2012/ Vogue Paris Sept 2010/ via Wolfcub

Also featuring one of my favourite animals ever, the bottlenose dolphin.