Showing posts with label Elle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elle. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

let's start again

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 photo vanity-fair-oscar-2015-after-party-gigi-hadid-atelier-versace_zpspoaocuit.jpg
Source: Photos by Patrick Demarchelier for Pirelli calendar 2005/ Greg Kadel for Vogue Spain May 2015/ Kevin Sinclair for Elle Brazil Nov 2014/ Vanity Fair Oscar 2015 after party

Daaaaang am I UNFIT! I need to hit the gym stat! Are any of my Down Under people ready for Summer yet???


Monday, 15 December 2014

summer is here!

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Source: Photos by Lucas Passmore/ Matt Jones for Elle Italy Oct 2014/ Zoey Grossman for Love&Lemons summer 2014 lookbook/ Magnus Klackenstam for MiH Jeans Spring 2011 Campaign/ Rayan Ayash for Schön! Magazine no.21

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Happy Sunday!

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Source: Photos by Dan Martensen for ELLE Italia Nov 2014

Sunday, 27 July 2014

dappled sunlight

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Source: Photos by Laura Sciacovelli for ELLE France July 2014

Here is some stylish beach outfit inspiration for ya! Next time I go to the sea I'll be wearing striped oxford shirts as bikini tops.

Happy Sunday! xoxo

Thursday, 10 July 2014


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 photo By-Solve-Sundsbo-For-Vogue-Italia-May-2014_zps10dbbbca.jpg
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Source: Photos by Bjarne Jonasson for ELLE France July 2014/ Gilles Bensimon for Vogue Paris June-July 2013/ Sandra Semburg/ Paul Maffi for Glamour Germany July 2014/ Miranda Kerr at the MET gala/ Solve Sundsbo for Vogue Italia May 2014

Did anyone see the Brazil vs Germany match yesterday? HOW FREAKIN' EPIC WAS IT???!!!!

Thursday, 19 June 2014

can't get outta my head

 photo byXeviMuntaneacuteforHarperrsquosBazaarSpainMarch2011_zpsc916d2bc.jpg
 photo byRafaelaProllfor1stMagazineApril2011_zpsab46228f.jpg
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Source: Photos by Xevi Muntané for Harper’s Bazaar Spain March 2011/ Rafaela Proll for 1st Magazine April 2011/ Elle US March 2011

This Versace Spring 2011 collection geometric print dress (one piece or two piece).

Monday, 28 April 2014

the summer heat

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 photo ElleVietnam-StocktonJohnson-April2014_zpsb3e4c691.jpg
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Source: Photos by Mikael Jansson for Vogue Paris May 2014/ Hilary Walsh for Glamour France June 2014/ Bruno Staub for Elle US Jan 2012/ Stockton Johnson for Elle Vietnam April 2014/ Grazia France July 2012/ IMKOO/ Nam/ Ben Morris for Elle France June 2013

I want this so badly, I can almost taste it.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


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Source: Photos by Diego Uchite for Vogue Mexico Nov 2013/ Matt Jones for Elle Italia March 2014/ Lee Oliveira

Still in love with this skirt silhouette. 

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Natalia Osadchaya

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Source: Citizen Couture/ TheUrbanSpotter

I had to do a little bit of googling to find out who this fashionable lady was after posting her picture last week. It turns out Natalia Osadchaya is the fashion director at ELLE Ukraine.

Sunday, 16 March 2014


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Source: Photos by Miguel Reveriego for Elle France March 2014

OMG it's like sixteen degrees in Seoul today! Such fabulous weather I haven't experienced in what feels like a lifetime. Here are some new Spring beauty looks that I want to experiment with: pink, gold, vaseline-eyelids/ vibrant orange, baby pink lips/ super long, wispy eyebrows.