Last weekend I posted on seeing the outside of a really cool building called Wild Bill's. We went today and the inside was horribly disappointing in comparison. It was basically a dark and dirty collector's paradise, and I've stopped collecting things. I expected many more strange and unusual things, but they were few and far between all the old posters and lunch boxes and bumper stickers. I was also kind of disgusted that a self-proclaimed old hippie had so many real fox and raccoon tails for sale. This was the best thing inside, and it was pretty dismal, although I give credit for anyone that can make a robot out of old bear traps.
The bright side of this is that I got some great pictures of my son groping the statue of Marilyn Monroe outside. Those I can't show you, but I can show you a picture of the world's largest Jack-in-a-box. See if this clown head doesn't give you nightmares.
After we got home, I proceeded to not follow a recipe for carrot cheesecake very well. Actually, I followed it fine, but my spring-form pan was dented so I put it in a small rectangular pan. Big mistake, I didn't know it was going to rise and I should have used the much bigger pan. This is how it turned out.
My son came downstairs and asked, "what is THAT?". When I told him it was dessert for Easter, he asked, innocently, "do you think the frosting will cover your shame?". Hmmm, I don't know about that but I do know two things that might make me feel better.
1. Eating all the candy I bought for his Easter basket
2. Posting his Marilyn Monroe groping pictures on Facebook
He may no longer be friends with me on Facebook, but some of his friends still are. Mwahahahaha.