Above right is a page from the issue I liked. I got a thing for salt shakers. And this is my page:
Anywho- it's surprising how inspiring simple can be. When pieces are over-tho-top professional-looking where you know you'd have to take a class on gold smithing to even come close, my eyes often just glaze over. Often it's the simplest things- things that make me go "I could do better than that!" that prove most fruitful. Sure I also like to see how I can 'cheat' the fancy folk with simple materials- thus my use of tin and UTEE, etc, but... If any of you are stuck in a rut, I recommend simplicity for inspiration. And always try to find specifically what it is about any given piece that appeals to you, so that you can focus on that for your work.
Any anywho- amember I mentioned making pendants? Here's some as conveyed by my uglification machine, ie, the scanner:
Here you really can't see what's going on since this pyrite is a perfect cube. Not perfect, just I mean, it stands tall off the chestage. It has a high level of pokey-outage. To bezel it I used tin and Mighty Putty, one of these 'as seen on TV' products. Soon I'll be working a ShamWow and PedEgg into the mix.
Here's another in my sear-your-eyes-off-with-the-neon series:
I know I coulda been patient and taken pictures before showing you this scanner nonsense but I won't have the opportunity for a bit. I'm leaving town for a couple days as my brother-in-law's lovely, kind and always-smiling mother has passed due to cancer. Now is the time to be grateful for all I have and to see my amazing niece/nephew/sister/brotherinlaw/etc, who I never give enough time to.
Apparently my niece was talking with her cousins about who has a grandma, who has a great-grandma and who has a great-great grandma. Later, my mom overheard her mentioning the fact that she also has a very good grandma! See, these are moments you gotta store up for later...