Who gets the bracelet?
It's Beatnheart on account of effort alone. As in, she was the only one who made any. (Though new commenter Donna's comment was adorable. And true- just fake like you're a badass and if you keep it up you will be.). But she did get one wrong. Y'all know you can google these, right? And that's how I even got the lines. But so there's a secondary giveaway if you know which was wrong on her list:
1. soylent green, 2. the graduate, 3. wizard of oz, 4. it’s a wonderful life, 5. the shining, 6. the dogfater, 7. forest gump, 8. she done him wrong, 9. jaws, 10. a few good men, 11. field of dreams, 12. scarface
And no it's not 'dogfather' though that had me lolling out loud. Convo me, beat.
Before I decide the secondary prize, here's more theengs. I'm thinking of turning that painted wooden keychain into a rustic pendant. Darkening it up 1st... The etched piece is a magnet that I'm thinking of cutting longways down the middle for earrings. These two aren't old but they are Uruguayan crafts which I find just glorious and inspiring. Oh and that's a little postcard made of gorgeous fragile paper, and tiny, faded photo, long and doubled for some reason...

So here's some info on Uruguayan druzy: there's a town in the north where these rocks are EVERYWHERE. Barely even a real 'mine' as such, though I believe they have dug a cave. But you also just find them on the side of the road. My one cousin has a bunch just rolling around in his car. You hit them w/a hammer and get this. Many are less crystallized and cloudier. But all of them are full of water. It's the water that makes the crystals develop somehow over the eons. One woman was selling these very unassuming-looking round rocks and when she turned a flashlight on behind it... you could see the water moving around inside! OK, but they they were like $15 and too big for jewelry. But when she did that I about short circuited.
ANYWAYS- those are key chains, $3 each. I will have to sand down the backs to flatten them so they'll stay face-up on some chestage. But- $3, come on.
On the very lower left there's 2 stick charms. They are alpaca, I believe. I thought alpaca was a type of llama but in the U it's a metal that looks just like silver but is crazy way cheaper. So that's weird. Anyways, the charms are filled with resin and I think gem powder. They were earrings I got at the one artisan crafts market. $7. (Plus I get to re-use the earwires which were extremely soothing to the pierce, whether silver or alpaca I know not.) The copper that's hammered was a piece of an earring, there's a souvenir from Ecuador, a bone bead from a cheapo bead store. Right under that is an inexplicable something from a hardware table which I'm gonna bend up the arms and it'll look like an anchor! Maybe. a coin on filigree broken brooch...

Ephemera by the bucketful. What you're looking at is a little art book opened over a big art book with little cards and things layered over.
So check it- Saints with their heads chopped off with the halos still on the chopped-off heads! WTF. Do you think their heaven-bound spirits get their own halos? How long do the halos stick to the decomposing bodies? If you dig up their bones would they still be wearing halos? I know, I know- halos are just a way of symbolizing the saint's grace. So... Lets move on, shall we?

OK, cheesy confirmation cards but they are of the softest, most delicate texture and printed in such gorgeous detail and style I couldn't resist. And look at the slides! I'll have to put these between glass and solder. Should I cut down the paper part? No, cuz then they'd look less like slides, but Yes, cuz all that simple black doesn't really add anything aesthetically... So you see my conundrum. Maybe just a tiny bit. So you see my compromise.

Most of the slides were awful. So I had to find things that could reasonably go on a necklace.

This one is a glass slide- much older than the whatever plastic film kind we see above. It's heavy and embedded in thick chipboard of some kind. I'm thinking of trimming it down and maybe soldering around the edge with some good ol' copper foil tape.
I have so many things and ideas I wonder if I shouldn't consider selling just pendants. What do you guys think?
Here you see the center piece from
Hieronymus Bosch's famous triptych as seen in both my little and my big art book! How trippy is that? And dj'a know I saw the real one in Europe once? Yup. Summer after 5th grade. Italy? Think it was Italy.

Hey- found the husband! Also, Dad? Don't ever say you were 'bumming around in Germany' again. You're a scientist for crying out loud. *Hides face in embarrassment over dorky parent* And yes, I realize that in '61 you probably weren't there giving lectures but still.
Here's some bona-fide theeng porn ladies. Aaaand now I'm all skeeved out from using the word 'porn' immediately after addressing my dad. Fan-friggin-tastic. Yes that's a little slipper middle left.

The silver box in the upper middle has an engraving. I think it reads: "Handmade in Salto - Argentina."
SqueeeeeeeThe compact has this pillowy shape, very organic actually.
So there's room for something dimensional in there. *Cringes as everyone howls in jealous rage.*

Sometimes it's baffling what's expensive and not. Well, of course material matters. The aluminum ones (light colored metal) are super cheap- but I got me some black alcohol ink and black gilder's wax for them because I have issues. The heart in the middle I think is real gold. The boxy flower thing over it is part of a gaucho belt. The rhinestone circle pin was just thrown in the growing pile by the seller for free. And what in the world are those weird crosses at the bottom? You see them all the time in religious junk.
(Oh, the tiny round one is gold. The T is silver and cost me more than ... I don't know but it was one of those randomly expensive things that I still up and bought for no reason.) |
I know some people don't work with
religious iconography so I've given it a think-through. For one, I usually use crosses as just a part of a pendant, more often than not ending up with some kind of composite woman symbol. Like so -->

And in our mostly non-Catholic country the Virgin Mary ends up seeming more a symbol of maternal love and the female goddess archetype than a symbol of the traditional church... Though interestingly while perusing old medals, one cousin said to me "Virgin's creep me out." Funny because she was of course talking about images of Mary, but it sounded... ok, over-explaining again. But yeah, to her, having grown up in a Catholic country, they evoke a whole other set of beliefs and superstitious behavior.
But that's not why I use these things. 1st they're just soooo pretty. And, if I'm going to use objects from the past, I have to accept what the past was made up of. Or, I don't really have to, but... I do. It has to do with how I'm all about bringing together disparate things.
(Paid, like, $10 for this medal, on right.) |
You know, how I like to synthesize opposites- east/west, primitive/contemporary, masculine/feminine, occidental/tribal, rustic/refined, spontaneous/controlled...
Blah, blah blah. Anyways, what I don't believe in (ie, Catholic medals) is one of the many aspects of my synthesis. I guess it's my way of reconciling, as everyone must with so many incomprehensibles in life. I'm trying to reconcile with a past full of ideas I don't agree with.

, I got it. If you can tell me which of Beatnheart's answers is incorrect (and what the correct answer should be) you get these crane scissors. (Sorry for the dizzyingly sudden topic changes.)
Jayzus wouldja look at this stuff?
Do you like how, in the discussion above, I just assumed you'd all realize I'm in no way christian?

Here are just a few of a MASS of tiny celluloid toys I scored. And an old lighter w/o cap, which I really liked. Managed to get a few lighters and pocket knives past security no problem. Imagine trying to hijack a plane with theeengs!


Breathe. The petit point upper left is a portable ashtray. Redonk!

These both were my splurge, at about $14-$15 each. I know! *dodges flying tomatoes of envy*

See? $250 pesos. That's about $13.89 in real money.

Stop throwing tomatoes of envy, y'all!
There's lots more but I have to go wash envy tomatoes out of my hair. (Yeah, right. Like I wash.) But no really, this is the last time I down half an energy drink then get on line. Shoulda been making not explaining every damned little ...aaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!
But to sum up-
1. Correct Beatnheart's wrong answer and win these little crane scissors.
2. Should I make and sell pendants? Obviously it would be more than a simple theeng with a jump ring. I'd still have to art it up. But it would lower the price...
3. I use Catholic imagery in an attempt to reconcile with a past full of ideas I don't agree with. Yup.
4. I way use
ellipsees ellipsises eelipsese ellipses. Phew. I use the crap out of them...
(Don't tell me you forgot what an ellipsis is: "...")
(And I'm not shy with the parentheses either.)