Showing posts with label Freebie SAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freebie SAL. Show all posts

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6 CrossStitch Update

So this week I will be working on Forbidden Doorway.  The Freebie HAED SAL, and I am really happy because I love to work on this one.  This is the before.

I have no After of Tresures because I was so disappointed in my lack of time spent on it - it was no change.

So I wondered, what is up with that - why was it so difficult for me to stitch this past week, on a chart I LOVE - its a black and white, I have the perfect place for it, it is a Mermaid......  So what was my problem.  Simple it is the 25 ct fabric.  I am sure of it - I can't see it and I have to use a magnifer and I have not found a comfortable way to stitch on it.  What to do????  Well - it will work out I know, because I really love it too much to leave it UNFINISHED.  So I am on the search for a much better magnifier thing.  And I may just go to the eye drs and see if she can hook me up with better glasses, well just needlework glasses....  or something. 

In the meantime, after reading other blogs, I have started missing my NON HAED design wips.  So I am going to change some things up.  Not sure just how - but I am going to start working on more variety of projects.  I know if I keep the beads out - which I hate, and the fractional stitches - which I hate I think I will be just fine.  I do not mind the back stitching.  And for the designs I really love with beads, half the time you can leave the beads out and they look just fine to me.  And seriously, aren't I the one that matters here.

Mowed the lawn today - it was like a jungle out there...  but glad that is over.

Love Sunday nights.  Remind me of being a kid and family times, but now I am not watching Disney, or Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom - but I am watching a Fairy Tale....  Once Upon a Time.  So addicted that show, must be because after Mermaids, I think I love witches most.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Heaven and Earth SAL Week of 4/6

I am working on Forbidden Doorway for this week. I am sure the new page will be out next month and I really want at least three more rows done on my stitching.  I also need these stitches done, so I do not get too far behind on my 2012 goals.  Here is where I am starting This is 18 ct  2 over 1 full cross stitch and I enjoy this one, because it is so easy for me to see, I do not have to strain my eyes at all.   This is the Freebie SAL - M. Dillman. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Cross stitch Update HAED SAL


Week Beginning - this is the UFO week, I am working on my QS Tomboy,it is one of my 2012 goals and I have been working on it for over a year now and not even one page done  She is 1 over 1  full crosses 22 ct Hardanger  Selina  Fenech Artist
Week Ending After picture - SAL Freebie SK Forbidden Doorway This is 2 over 1 full crosses on 1 ct aida Meredith Dillman - Artist This link takes you to the artist site and this full size picture, It was cropped for the Freebie SAL to be a SK size.  Please see Heaven And Earth Designs for more info,
These are both great for me, because I do not need help with the seeing - no mag glass.  It is awkward for me to use one.  Treasures on 25 - is hard, and Northern Lights on 28 hard - I may do a restart for Northern Lights - I really want to finish that project but the fabric count is holding me back