Friday, January 11, 2013

Snow Goose Air....

I really enjoy watching them in the air.  I'm not usually good at flight shots....too slow to keep up :-)  But with this many geese, I am bound to catch at least a few good shots of them coming or going.
 Flying past
 I just love shots like this where they are all hanging in the air, floating back down to earth.

 "Heads up!  Out of the way!  I"m coming in for a landing!"

 These three are sort of like watching airplanes that are lined up and coming down one after the other on the same run-way :-)
 This group were taking off rather than landing.
 "I think I see an empty spot....coming down!"

 I happened to being doing some multi-shooting when these two were landing so I have an whole series of shots of them one right after another.  It is amazing how they stay in sync with their wings as they come down together.  Kind of like watching Olympic synchronized diving.
 Fall out
 Spread wide.
Wings back, head forward, landing gear down.....
This was just so much fun :-)


Dorothy said...

I have never seen so many Geese!!! I enjoyed seeing your pictures and reading the captions!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh but I wish I could be standing there right beside you. This looks like tons of fun.The numbers of birds is astounding.

Janice K said...

That is so amazing!! Definitely a good place to catch some BIF pictures.

A Colorful World said...

SOOOO MANY! It's wonderful! You caught them landing and flying and hovering, and then collected so thickly on the ground. All these shots are great! I do love the dark ones with the white heads. Very different.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, those shots are amazing Mary. It's raining Geese! :) What a thrill to be around so many. I've never ever seen anything like this before.

Caroline Gill said...

I would love to see just one Snow Goose! They are so beautiful, Mary! Your final photo truly captures the moment. Oh to display such grace!

P.S. Delighted with Sun Dog tip-off ... think it could well be this! Thank you.

Judy said...

A woman after my own heart!! True, I have Canada geese, not snow geese, but I could take a thousand photos of the, too!!! I enlarged all the photos of the geese, and they are just so wonderful! I thought I had seen some big flocks, but this is probably twice the size! Awesome!!!

Roy Norris said...

My goodness Mary, that is a sight.

Cicero Sings said...

It really is amazing that you can see all these birds in one spot! They say there are flocks of them down in the Vancouver area too but I have never seen them.

Rose said...

Oh, these give the feeling of standing right in the midst of all the action. How much longer will they be there?