Friday, September 4, 2009

Outside the front door....

I could get spoiled just looking out the front door every day to see what I can take a photo of so my blog won't be empty! I solemnly promise when the tennis open is over to get outside and go somewhere soon....really....I will.Hummingbird "cross"
Hummer ......still there

Hummer......must be good

Young cardinal peeking out of the leaves

I think she sees me.......and her look says, "go away...I'm hungry!"

Guess who?


Lindy said...

Really great shots of the hummer. I always have a difficult time with those.

Love the shots of the cardinal. That's quite an expression you captured in the second photo of her.

Is that 'Star'? Looks to be hard at work, looking for a snack he's forgotten about until now.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! You and your tennis!! :) If I watch TV for one hour per week it is a lot. :)

Great shots of all the birds Mary. I especially like the one of the cardinal peeking at you. :)

And that tail? I hope to see more of it on Sunday. :)

Eve said...

That is one fat little hummer!! And I have to say your cardinals are much more handsome than mine! And I think your Star is one fat little fellow too...must be the water!! hahahaha!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Those Hummer shots are great.Hopet he right people are winning in tennis.Have fun.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Mary, Is that Star trying to HIDE from you??????

Cute pictures of the hummers... We hae more of them now--but I haven't taken time to get some pictures.

That young Cardinal is peeking at you... Too Cute.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ooh the hummer photos are awesome and the cardinal's look is just too cute to believe it actually wants you to go away. I'd say she wants to ask smth like "Did you bring food, human huh huh?"

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Mary: Wonderful captures of that neat hummer.

George said...

The pictures of the hummingbird are wonderful. And to think that you got them right outside your front door.

Jenny said...

That peeking young Cardinal is very very sweet! Great photo Mary. Me thinks that might be a certain twinkling squirrel??? (-:

Leedra said...

My pick is the first hummer and the 2nd Cardinal. Love that sideways look the Cardinal is giving you.

April said...

Beautiful pictures of the birds and busy squirrel! Our hummingbirds have left already. Enjoy the tennis.

Becky said...

My hummers are still here too, except only females. Maybe the "guys" leave first on their trip South.
That Cardinal has such a cute look, and I'm glad "Star" is still around.
Have a great week-end.