Monday, March 10, 2025

Arizona February #3 Sweetwater and Catalina State Park

  A trip to Tucson for birds always includes Sweetwater.  It is a water treatment facility with a wetlands area.  This year there was plenty of water and things were more open then usual.  They had burned off the tall grasses making it easier to see at this time.

This was exciting!  A Green Heron was eating a frog.  We could see it had something but I didn't know what until we got the photos on the computer.  Mike took some of these.  I was having trouble seeing over the reeds.  Not sure who took what.

What a mouthful!

He struggled with it for quite a while before he managed to swallow it!

Someone had reported an egret but misidentified it.  A Snowy Egret, I believe.

With the water areas opened up it was easier to see all of these birds.

Common Moorhen, but not common to me.

I think this is a Pintail with its head tucked in. 

I knew this was a bug eating bird but finally found out it is the female Vermillion Flycatcher.  I've never seen the female before!

Vermillion Flycatcher male.
There was a large area with shallow water that had 100's of ducks in it.
I know I saw Mallards, Shovelers, Teal, Wigeon, Pintail, and Black ducks

American Wigeon
These last two are a Ruddy Duck.  Mike took one of these.
We also stopped by Catalina State Park and I picked up another new bird...the following 3 photos.
I had to check the Merlin app to identify this one.  A Rufous Winged Sparrow.  The face and throat marks were very distinctive.

In the same area I found a Ruby Crowned Kinglet that was grooming itself and willing to show off the ruby crown marking.

Ground squirrels
Just as we were driving out of the park we saw some large birds in a tree.  Meadowlarks!  What a nice surprise.  I hope they are western Meadowlarks because that would be another new bird.  They get both Eastern and Western Meadowlarks there so I don't know.  Merlin says Western so that is what I want to believe!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Arizona February #2

 A trip to my sister's house in Tucson, Arizona is always a relaxed bird filled vacation.  Her back yard is a perfect place to watch birds every day and I can see a lot without even having to go anywhere.  All my usual favorites showed up along with a few new birds I had not seen before.  I'll basically focus on western birds.  I'm sorry they are mostly feeder shots but that is the easiest to get.

I no longer see the large numbers of Gambel's Quail that used to frequent the backyard, but I did see one pair this year.  The mail browsing in the grass.

This was a new bird for me....the Black Throated Sparrow.  It came a couple of different days.

Abert's Towhee.  A very drab noisy ground feeder that will also come to the suet.

Not a western bird....Cardinal....but I thought it was cute sitting on the bunny.

The Lesser Goldfinch male.
Curved Billed Thrasher

Bewick's Wren....another new one for me!  It came each day I was there.
Bewick's Wren again.  Very perky with a long tail
The more common Cactus Wren.  Much larger.  Makes its nests in a Cholla cactus usually.

Cactus Wren at the suet.
The Gilla Woodpecker spends most of the time eating suet, but this year he was also fond of the oranges on the little orange tree.

Gilla Woodpecker gutting an orange.
The hummingbirds are always fun to watch.  This is an Anna's hummingbird and it came most days, so I hung out a feeder to try to get better photos.  There were not many flowers at this time.

Anna's with its red face mask.  I also saw the Costa's with a purple face mask.
The Phainopepla male. A beautiful black bird with red eyes.  The female is brown.

Another Lesser Goldfinch male.
Another Phainopepla male
I call this one "White throated Sparrow saving the gnome from Godzilla"

The Verdin is a perky little gray bird with yellow face that likes making holes at the base of flowers and eating the nectar.  The trumpet vine it loved was killed by a packrat so it is making do with suet cakes until other flowers begin to bloom.

Such a cute little bird!
Enough yard birds.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Arizona February #1

 It seems like I only post here once a year now and usually after I get back from Arizona.  Once again this year I saw lots of lovely things.  A few birds I had never seen before...always nice to add to my life list!  And the Bobcat came to visit on two different days so I was very excited about that!  I'll start with the bobcat.

Right before the Super Bowl was about to start we looked out the window and a bobcat had jumped over the wall and decided to take a nap in my sister's backyard!

It was really tired and laid down and snoozed for  20 minutes or so.  Naturally I took dozens of photos.

A cardinal keeping watch right over its head.

A dove decided to land in the yard....see below....and it immediately rolled over and was wide awake!

I think it decided it wasn't worth the effort to go for the dove and it just yawned and laid down again.
Two days later we were getting ready to leave...the camera was all packed up...and it showed up again with a friend!  Had to hurry and dig out the camera.

Big stretch!

They hopped over the wall and were gone fairly quickly.
Always exciting to see these creatures up close.  Not something I see at home!
I will post several more posts with birds we saw this year.